
Money was important in all worlds and Fallen Fate Online was no exception. Given that Zayne needed to earn money to heal his sister he would have to spend coins on resources from time to time, so his spending would gradually increase.

"Zayne... Do you have any money? 100 Gold Coins is not a small amount at all, there's no way a simple farmer could earn that much in a month or two." Aron turned to him with a confused look, unsure if he was serious.

"Sure. I told you what happened to me after I got back, so now I have some money." Zayne nodded before touching the ring.

The small white stone shone brightly attracting everyone's attention.

"What the hell..." Elin couldn't believe what she saw as her eyes went wide. The others had a similar reaction.

"Hah, looks like overnight Zayne got richer than some of us. That ring on its own could be worth a lot." Harald grinned with a little pride in his voice.