
Lucia and Zayne left the mansion territory, heading for the banquet. Only Rea remained in the room, whose gaze was blank and lost.

After a while, the maid entered the room, she saw the broken plate and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

"What happened here...?" The maid asked uncertainly as she looked at Rea.

Rea glanced at her with a pause saying, "Nothing much, just my hands shook and I couldn't hold the plate in my hands... I'm sorry about what happened..."


The maid looked at Rea for a while before she nodded, "That's all right, I'll clean it up and get a new cake. Miss Rea, get some rest, I'm sure a mage like you has a lot on mind."

Rea didn't know what to say, so she just sat on the couch while the maid cleaned up the mess and fixed the situation. Even when dessert was in front of her and the maid left, Rea's face didn't change, she just tilted her massive hat to hide her eyes.