
Clap. Clap. Clap.

Alden clapped his hands, slowly and calculatingly, gradually forcing the others to support him until the whole area was covered in applause.

"A personal gift from Mr. Solomon, that's really what our hero deserves, isn't it?" Alden exclaimed with an excited expression.

The applause intensified as if to signify his agreement.

"However, forgive my impertinence, but I cannot stand by at such an important moment." Alden smirked as his ring shone brightly.

In his hand appeared a long sword with many jewels, a magnificent guard, and a shining blade that seemed to be made of the finest metal.

"This is my gift to Zayne, on behalf of the Redfall Family!" Alden exclaimed proudly, holding out the sword to Zayne.

Solomon glanced at the sword, smiled slightly, and took a step to the side, he seemed to realize what Zayne had not yet understood.