Serious People

Zayne headed towards the place where the most important person to him was, despite all the events, the goal of saving Mia, for Zayne always came first.

'Hmm...? Is today some kind of special day? Zayne inwardly muttered in confusion, looking at the multitude of people in formal suits.

Tall, muscular-looking men stood outside the walls of the hospital. Each of them wore a black suit with sunglasses that concealed their stern looks.

Zayne had only seen something like this in movies. He didn't know if some important person had visited the hospital, but it was an unusual view.

'Well, though it's strange, it's none of my business at all. I need to see Mia and get back to Fallen Fate as soon as possible.' Zayne pondered, scratching the back of his head before heading forward.

None of the bodyguards turned, they just stared ahead, but once Zayne was in front of the passageway two of them blocked his path.