Hidden in the Shadows

The dome appeared around Red Feather City as the main road became the major battleground against the rising silhouettes.

Everyone who could, from simple soldiers or knights to mages and commanders, took part in the battle. Among them were also Players, who fought more fiercely than others. They could afford to make mistakes and die, but they had to do everything to get the desired reward.

"Well, well, it's a true undead army... although that's not quite the right term, after all, they're not dead yet, are they?" A young man with long black hair, blue eyes, and a silver cross bracelet muttered as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Hey, you should pay less attention to those things we don't take part in." A quiet voice came out. It came from a short girl leaning against a tree whose shadow hid her. She had red hair and amber eyes as sharp as blades.