The Cut

Everyone who was around was watching the silhouette that had fallen near the entrance to the hospital. Among the onlookers were the usual Players who were not about to compete with Zayne Fellen, Alex, and the others who were watching the situation closely.

"What is she doing here...?" Alice muttered with wide eyes.

Luke grinned, "I knew this would happen. I swear! Hehehe, Elein Ferger, this is going to be interesting."

Everyone in the car had quite a bit of information about both the real world and Fallen Fate and the most successful Players.

Zayne spent most of his time with the NPCs, they were like people to him, though they weren't really any different anymore especially after Fallen Fate started giving real superpowers. He didn't know who was on top beside him, though he didn't care at all since he had other goals.

"Hmm? Has someone finally decided to break the silence?" Zayne muttered, looking at the silhouette approaching in his direction.