1. After the punishment

After the 1month of punishment of no workshop, magic research, or weapon training,

Because he's not allowed me to use the workshop I have not finished the Automata :RyuZU:

But it is ok because after the punishment I'm going to input the information and emotion of the automata.

She wears a simple, old-fashioned, and elegant black and purple dress, with a hair ornament made from white gear and cloth with red, green, and black colors. Despite being described as being "so black it seemed like it had been tailored from the darkness of the night", her dress appears to be mostly purple and lavender hues. She also has two black scythes made from gears hidden in her back which can be deployed for combat and collection purposes.

When she is using her inherent ability, her clothes turn into a tight-fitting crystal-coloured wedding veil and her golden eyes change into a blazing ruby.

After the additional input and power adjustment she is online.


After I month of past gave it to my mother she become a maid and secretary and bodyguard


After some years I became 10 years old and ask to her if I want to go around the human world and the underworld paranormal world like the yokai dragon and other things.

But she said to me

[ no because is too dangerous ]

after she said I argued too but in the argument, we both agree that once a month I'm going home.


Year by year after some research into the underworld and the human world, the same other races and technology are both other creatures.

I'm successful in my research

about other races and technology fusion to both the underworld and human world other creatures. but first I'm asking Mom about Evil Pieces but she hesitated about it.

because she knew Evil Pieces are not toys. After thinking she decided to give me Evil Pieces because she loves me. She gave me one on my 13 birthday but I said to her that is for mine. [''no because it to my research Evil Pieces ]

After I say it she knew that my research After thinking about it and hesitating she says.

[ "ok I'm going to get you an Evil Piece but keep it a secret ok"]

After she says that I'm so happy that I work hard that at the same time finished the research about it and gave me a copy of my research.

But the Evil Piece research is not finished but it is Ok because my other research is finished.

But after she read it she is about to say the same thing but she gives me unhappy but she says it is too dangerous for the underworld but I say

[''they dangerous but not known about by my research is code by my own create languages"]

after I said it.

['' I also create a safety security system that if my research gets if the Wrong hand the research will be destroyed automatically but is not just that I created the most indestructible safety vault in the world "]

I said it but my mom did not believe me after she shows it to her she believes it now.


At the same time I create a disguise accessories that my mother requested after I hand it to her said to me.

say.[" Amon my son you wear it. because of all Rias Gremory and Sirzechs Lucifer other than that. your aunt also now as my little sister go to our house"]

after she said it was surprising not just that the more surprise I have is she says

["Your father will be a tag along with Sirzechs"]. [ that]

after that, I come myself to exactly

that, I said ["understood"]

after that period.

After a duration of time waiting for their arrival, they come to Magic Circle after that my mom great dim she says

["Good you Arrived on time."]

she said. but she was more surprised because her clan and Sirzechs were in front of her.

The Sirzechs family and my mother's family And last is Ajuka.

After that Sirzechs explains about it and that she can't help but to hide her son's will.

He explained about the house and what a surprise to them is the technology of the house is more advanced than humans and the devil and other creature's technology


. After some time she introduced her people her family and friends at least she introduced me to others. But Ajuka is interested in the technology in the house.


After 2 days accident happen to the old satan function attacked the house everyone is ready to battle.

but is surprised by 2 satan and the 2 families' defense system of the house not only that she gave the signal to the maid and other people and creatures.

But the most surprising them. is the maid that always.

follows her command the command is given is. [ "RyuZU ready to battle" ]

after that RyuZU says.[ "as you command master" ] on that moment she transforms her appearance

When she is using her inherent ability, her clothes turn into a tight-fitting crystal-coloured wedding veil and her golden eyes change into a blazing ruby.

black scythe's

made from gears hidden in the back.

RyuZU attacks the 3 devils' instant death. The head of the enemy fell on the floor. After that same enemy retreats to some death.

after the battle. She orders that, everyone cleans the mess but RyuZU is not back to their ordinary appearance

after she checks all the surroundings at the same time she transforms back.

Serafall orders her people to guard the house.