5. Fight of the Cerberus

Before the attack land in the Cerberus,

we heard a roar on another side. It was a

dangerous-sounding roar.

Issei look at Nervously, I glanced back.

Issei says. ["There's another one?!"]

A second Cerberus stepped out from the darkness!

Issei said in a loud voice. ["You've got to be kidding me! This is getting out of control!"]

The Cerberus. "Grrrrr-rwaaaaa-rwaaaaa!"

The creature let out a deafening sound before charging straight for Asia!

Before the attack land in Asia, a little girl black the attack.

Everyone was surprised, That the little girl stops the attacks.

Xenovia and Irina were shocked. Because of the little girl they see.

Is the man that helps them. And man, also they allow them to stay in the man's house.

The little girl vanishes into thin air, Again.

After that Ria's peerage attacked the Cerberus.

The other side is Irina and Xenovia. The dismembered head of the hellhound flew into the sky before crumbling to ash.

Xenovia said. ["I thought I'd back you up!" ] she called out before taking off in a dash and launching toward the second Cerberus's torso.

The beast howled in pain over losing one of its heads.


Xenovia delivered the fatal strike, carving it clean in two. Smoke rose from the wound as the monster's body began to disintegrate. That was the power of her Excalibur at work!

I look at Excalibur. I said. ["A blow from a Holy Sword deals critical damage to beasts like this."]

After that Xenovia thrust her blade deep into Cerberus's chest to finish it off.

At that moment, the creature's body collapsed into dust and was carried off by the wind.

After that, I look at Issei her Sacred Gear because it continues to evolve and change with each passing day.

Issei said it out loud. ["Prezi! Akeno! I've charged enough power to take down that Cerberus!"]

At this, the two of them exchanged glances and nodded. They quickly alighted to the ground.

Rias asked. ["Issei! In your fight against Riser, you boosted the effects of both the holy water and the cross at the same time, right?"]

Issei said. ["Huh? Ah, yeah, I guess so,"]

Rias said. ["In that case, you should be able to boost both of us at the same time! Transfer your power to Akeno and me!"]

After waiting for Iseei's reply.

Issei says. ["Ah. Two at a time should be okay. But each one will only receive somewhere around seventy to eighty percent of your stored energy."]

After they heard it.

Rias said. ["That should be enough,"]

Akeno added a reply on Rias.

Akeno says. ["Yes, we can do it,"]

Issei said. ["Let's do this, Boosted Gear! Gift!". "Transfer!"]


I could feel an overwhelming quantity of power flow through my body into Akeno and the Rias.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were overcome with an enormous amount of demonic energy.

They were both taken aback by the level of strength now coursing through them.

Rias said [Let's go Akeno"]

Akeno said. ]"Understood! Shake the earth, oh heavenly thunder!"]

Akeno raised her hand to the sky and began to manipulate the lightning. Then she directed it straight at Cerberus.

As if foreseeing the attack, the hellhound tried to flee.


That's when dozens of blades suddenly burst out of the ground from seemingly nowhere, skewering the creature's limbs and tying it down!

Kiba said. ["I won't let you get away."]

The Knight of Rias had made his appearance!

Kiba had picked the perfect moment to reveal himself and use his Sword Birth ability!


A silvery bolt descended from the heavens and smashed into the immobile Cerberus. Compared to Akeno's previous attacks, this one was far larger!

That pillar of electrifying light enveloped at least half of the school grounds!



Whatever screams escaped Cerberus's head were drowned out by the explosion. The giant monster's body was reduced to nothingness.

If wear the Issei power-up, the battle will be different, but I could tell that the attack had consumed a great amount of my latent energy.

No matter how strong Rias and Akeno were, soon find ourselves in trouble if they kept this up.

The moment that huge hellhound disappeared, the prez turned her attention back to the fallen angel!

Rias said. ["Take this, Kokabiel!"]


A huge surge of power rocketed from her hand!

It was at least ten times the size of Rias's regular attacks!

Not only that, but it was speeding toward the fallen angel at an incredible pace.

As they thought they going to win.

Kokabiel simply held out one hand in front of him.


Kokabiel was holding that killer attack back with a single hand.

Issei said it. ["Impossible! How can he deflect a blow like that single-handedly?!"]

Kokabiel turned his palm upward and sent the mass of raw demonic power that the Rias had hurled his way flying up into the sky, disappearing into the dark of night.

The fallen angel broke out into a delighted grin as he looked at the plume of smoke rising from his hand.

Kokabiel said. ["I see. So the Red Dragon Emperor's power is capable of boosting even Rias Gremory to such a level. Fascinating."] Kokabiel gave an amused chuckle.

Valper's said it out loud. ["It's complete,"]

At that moment, the four Excaliburs floating in the middle of the schoolyard began to emit a tremendous burst of light.