9.broken Excalibur

Valper said. ("Durendal?!")

Kokabiel said. ( "I thought you were an Excalibur wielder!")Both Valper and Kokabiel failed to hide their surprise.

Xenovia said. ( "Nope. I was always Durendal's master. I was simply asked to take charge of an Excalibur for the time being.")

Xenovia readied both her mighty swords. Durendal was in her right hand, and Excalibur was in her left.

Ballet said. ("Impossible! My research isn't even close to devising a method of controlling Durendal!")

Valper exclaimed.

("I'm not surprised. Not even the Vatican can create an artificial Durendal wielder," ) revealed Xenovia.

Ballet said. (Then how?!") demanded.

Xenovia said. (Unlike artificial Holy Sword users like Irina, I'm a natural swordswoman.")

artificial Holy Sword declaration left Valper speechless.

Irina said. ("Hey I'm a swordswoman by I don't have a holy sword. That is why the Vatican gave me an artificial Holy Sword.")

After Irina said it.

Irina said more. ("Unlike my fallen brothers and sisters and me, Xenovia had been blessed from birth with the ability to use a Holy Sword")

Xenovia said. ("Durendal is a tyrant beyond all imagination. He carves through everything he touches. Unfortunately, he also doesn't like to follow my commands. That danger is why I have to store him in a separate dimension. Not even I, his user, can handle him well. I suppose I should thank you, Freed Sellzen. Because of you, I'm forced to fight with Durendal and an Excalibur at the same time. I'm bursting with excitement! I hope you'll be able to take more than a single blow. At the very least, I'd like to taste the power of your Excalibur!")

The blade of Durendal began to emit a holy aura exponentially more powerful than that of the combined Excalibur that Freed was holding.

Kiba is on his mind. It was stronger even than my Holy Demon Sword!

Freed said. ("Come on—how is that even fair?! Why do you have to come and spoil the party?! You damn bitch! Go to hell!")

Freed screamed in rage. He charged for Xenovia.

Though it was still invisible, Freed's sword was undoubtedly slashing back and forth.


With a single horizontal cut, the combined Excalibur shattered. Not only that but the ground itself had been gouged in two.

Xenovia said out loud. ("In the end, it was just a broken Holy Sword. It wasn't worthy of facing the Durendal.")

Xenovia let out a disappointed sigh.

What incredible power. Her other weapon, Excalibur Destruction, wasn't even in the same league.

Freed said. ("Are you serious?! Seriously?! You've gone and blown the legendary Excalibur to pieces just like that?! For crying out loud! Argh! Was I an idiot for trying to fix a broken piece of junk? I was supposed to see past the shallowness of humanity and the foolishness of the Church! I was sure I'd overcome them!")

As Freed was losing his temper, I slowly approached.

There was nothing more that he could do. This was checkmate.

Desperate, he tried to block my Holy Demon Sword with the stub of his broken Excalibur.


There was a faint rumbling sound as his fused Excalibur finally disintegrated.

Kiba said. ("Do you see that? Our strength has surpassed the Excalibur,")

Having destroyed the Holy Sword, I cut down the mad exorcist.

Freed lay on the ground, bleeding profusely, his body rent from shoulder to stomach.

Kiba and Xenovia surpassed Excalibur and seized victory. As Kiba gazed up above, I felt the grip on my Holy Demon Sword tightens.

Amon was satisfied, and I found myself

Because they call the holy sword was just broken Excalibur.

Ballet said. ("A—a Holy Demon Sword…? Impossible… Two diametric opposites shouldn't be able to merge into a stable existence…"l Valper Galilei's expression was taut.

Kiba's mind said. Right, I remembered. This isn't over yet.

Unless I defeated him, he would continue to bring about new tragedies. I couldn't allow him to make others suffer the way we had. ("Valper Galilei. Prepare yourself.")

Kiba pointed my Holy Demon Sword toward him, preparing to run him through.

Come on, everyone. Let's finish this once and for all!

Ballet said. ("…I see! I understand now! If the balance between light and dark has been thrown into turmoil…that would explain it! The Demon Kings and even God Himself—")


At the very moment that Valper seemed to have hit on something important, a spear of light passed right through his chest.

Ghck…" Valper spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing limply to the ground.

I ran his way to check whether he was still alive—but he'd already breathed his last.

Kokabiel said. ("Valper, you were remarkable. Your realizing the truth just now was proof enough of that. But I never needed you. I could have done this myself from the outset.") Still floating in midair, Kokabiel sneered in mockery.

He was the one who had killed Valper.

("Ha-ha-ha! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!") The fallen angel broke out into a crazed laugh as he descended to the ground.

immense dread began to dominate all the people's senses.