What if ?*


AN:-The following xhap is not related to the story in any way, it's just there as a possibility that might have happened

Yup ....this was the Chap I was gonna put as 16th but just went 'nah I can do better scenes than this' so deleted that and this is a 18+ so there's that

Good thing I already made a copy so



"Then let's go ?" Death then ripped open the space in front of us and was about to jump in

"Wait" I held her back


"Message the boys to cancel the plan" I said while apologizing to them I my head

"What part of 'I killed your clones' didn't you understand ?" She said a little annoyed

Hearing that I smiled and caressed her face

"You are many things dear, but cruel you are not " I finished patting her head at the end

She was shocked at first, then smiled while holding my hand

"How did you figure that out ?"

"Well, the moment I saw you I knew what happened was a illusion" I say while looking at the sky

"You are kind,merciful, and forgiving no way you would just kill them" I laugh a little at that

"Life is the ugly lie " I looked at her eyes

"But you ...."

"You my dear are the beautiful truth" I smile at the end

And as soon as I finish at a white blur crashes into me and we fell down with death on top of me holding my face with her arms, looking like a certain pink haired character .....I may have activated her Yandere mode .....Oops?

"Ok screw the killing, I'm taking you now " she immediately attacked my lips while tearing my clothes to shreads and teleporting us to the bed

Funny how all it took was that to get her heated up

Well atleast I won't be left buleballed like last time

And plus point for flirting

"Was...*kiss* it that *kiss* easy ?" I ask in between kisses

She kissed me longer than usual and replied

"It weren't your words idiot, it were the emotions when you said it " she said while pointing pointing my chest

"Those words were from the depths of your soul, it's equivalent to a soul oath and believing what you said as absolute truth"

"For me it is " I say this time attacking her lips and pushing her down

But not for long before she pulled me towards her and whispered "Stop with the sweet words" she took my hand and pulled it towards her legs "Can't you tell how wet that makes me~" At the end her voice turned into moans as I rubbed her already wet panties and removed them

Now we're both naked, hugging and kissing each other

I stopped and looked at her as she looked at me

Both having the same expression

No words were needed as I plunged my cock right in her pussy

"Ohhhhh~ " she moaned out loud and almost made a ahegao face

That just turned me on more and started moving while kissing her


"Ah~Ah~Ah~ Ohhhh~ Ahhhhhh~Slow down a bit~ " she came again

"Nope~" I said

And I increased my speed while rubbing her jigging boobs and biting them

"Ahhhhhhhh~" sensitive parts for the win, noice

After making her cum for another 4 times I slowed down a little

"Ha...ha....ha....ha ...a-are you d-done yet?" She asked panting and catching her breath

"Oh no my dear, I'm just getting started " I smiled like a devil and immediately started pounding her with more roughly


"Ohhhh~Ah~Ah~Ah~ Aggggh~"

"You....*smack* ha...ha...are getting tight ..." I say in between kissing her and biting her on her boobs and neck and while rubbing her cilt making her cum again and again


"AHHHHHH~ that's....warm...ha...ha...haaaa~"

I filled her cave to the brim and she came hard for the 12th time

I lie on her boobs catching my breath while she's a absolute mess at this point

Not even a minute passed when she turned me over taking my cock inside

"My turn~" she said with a sultry voice while smiling


*After 10 hours of non stop pounding *

"Hmmmm ....yup still tastes good " I say while kissing her and licking her nipples and kissing


"Shouldn't you be tired by now ?" She asked a little dumbfounded

"Of your tasty lips, never, the day I do I give you full permission to rip my guts out " kissed her again this time on the cheek and cuddled with her feeling her chest on mine

"Why your guts and not your heart ?" She asked while caressing my hair

'I'm about to hit her with the cringest line ever'

"You already have it " I say without knowing the consequences of those words

"But I don't...." she said siting up on top of me and glancing at me

"Let's fix that shall we" she said claping her hands with a happy smile ....

'Again!?' I think before....


She stabbed me right in the chest with her hand and tearing my heart out....

At this point I just stare at her with a blank smile


"You know *cough* " I try to speak but end up coughing blood while bringing her close for a hug

"I didn't mean it literally "I whisper in her ear

I mean I am in my soul form and after we did that we kinda became connected ?

So that wasn't really necessary but hey, whatever makes her happy right?

"But now we are even closer than before right!?"

Um..death-chan your eyes are glowing a little dangerously right now

"Aren't you happy ?" She asked with a pouting face and that may have looked cute any other time but her eyes are turing into dark spirals

"..." I stare at her face for few seconds before hugging her tight and rubbing my cheek against her

"AHHHHHHH WHY ARE YOU SO CUTEEEEE~!!" I squeal like a girl while hugging the life out of her

'Oh I love her more and more now ' I say while my eyes are turning the same as hers

Filled with obsession as I stare at her eyes


"....that just made me cum a little" she said before proceeding for round 2 of lovemaking

(AN:- He's literally a soul so....it works?)


The end of this story/scenario and start of another


AN:- This is a what if Chap

This event should've taken place after the boy's asked him why didn't make a move on Lady Death

I was gonna go with a broken mc healed over time by someone who loves him but that's kinda cliché? And besides, you can't break what was never there in the first place

So dropped it

But here's the story anyways


"And you know how it'll end if we ever get involved .....again " Leo looked down at the ground at the end clenching his fists hard

Surtr walked close to him and patted on his shoulder

"We know, but you should try not to live in the past. You need to let go "

Leo looked at him with empty eyes with tears running down his blank face

"I can't....you i can't...not again ....not after that...." at the end his legs gave out and he kneeled on the ground holding his chest and crying out loud

Other looked at him and sat besides him with same expressions

They might be his clones

But they know the feeling

They know how it feels

To lose someone who you loved with all your heart and soul

So they sat besides him

And joined him

7 years

That's how long he has been living with her

The first and probably the only person he'll be with

Or that's what he thought

And like any other love story

This too didn't have a happy end

She died

Not in a Cliche way like in the movie where the main actress dies in front of the protagonist

No, she died because of a riot

A riot that happened because some higher up from the government wanted it to happen to lower the stocks of certain company and decrease the property value

She died because of the greed of others

That was the time when a Demon was unleashed

Leo lost all his limiters that kept him together

She was his anchor, a reason to return home

And he .....broke


Death of the said higher up, with his scandalous life open to the public

His social life destroyed, properties sized, and his family left him

And everyone related to the riot dead

All dead

Some died by natural reasons while other had some kind of accidents

And all it took, was a week

He literally turned into Light Yagami without a death note

All he had to do was spread just right amount of rumors

Plant some bugs here and there at right places

Create some waves

And watch them turn slowly and slowly into a tsunami