Chapter 33

*Few seconds after he tossed Ikaris *

Leo stared at the scene of everyone talking happily for a second before vanishing like a ghost

He quickly teleport to someplace deserted and



Coughed blood while kneeling on the ground

"Knew it wasn't gonna be easy but fucking hell that hurt...."*blergh*throws up more blood as he shines in a soft golden light healing himself

"...never gonna try that again....moral of the story ....*cough* ...never try to fool a Celestial" he said wiping the blood and burning all the traces of blood and adjusted his clothes

He teleported again back in his place as if nothing has happened and calmly walked to seaside and sat down with Maya joining him

*Back to the present*

"Why does it feel like we're forgetting something ?" Makkari gestured to Druig who translated for her

"If you don't remember it, then it's not important" Leo said still enjoying the lap pillow from Maya

Makkari thought hard for a while before giving up and laying back down on the beach

Gilgamesh and Thena were chatting with Fen about their hunt for deviants, sharing their war stories with each other

Sprite and Kingo were doing their usual story telling to the humans who they saved with Eli and Liana cheering from the crowd

Ajak was sitting in the audience while keeping a eye on Phastos who was explaining some agricultural techniques to farmers


"Thinking about something ?" Maya asked looking down at Leo

"Wondering about few things and deciding our next holiday destination" he lied. He was actually thinking how easy it was to fool Arishem.....which was pretty susp-

"We don't work Muranu, ancient times remember? We have all the time we need" She slightly flicked his forehead making him pause his thoughts. His eyes suddenly widen as he got up from her lap and looked at her surprised

"Wait....why do yo-" *Crash* *Shatter* (glass breaking sound)

Reality glitches for a split second with everything turning back for a second and going back to normal again

"Riiiigghhhhttt I told you that few years ago" he said a long 'right' making Maya chuckle who goes back to caress his hair making him lay on her chest while humming softly

What he didn't notice was a faint crimson glow in her eyes


•Love Realm•

"Ok wtf...." Love said looking at the scene dumbfounded

"What ?" Death asked finally done with the paperwork

"Something just happened with the kid " she said rewinding back to that moment

They watched as the screen glitched for a split second before going back to normal

"Ohhhh the kid's in for a suprise" Death said amused while Love pouted at her sister asking for explanation

"Oh come on sis, If I tell you everything where's the fun in that " Death said dodging the things thrown at her

"Just keep watching~" with that she made her exit and went back to her Realm

She immediately picked her phone and called

"Tribunal did you know this ?"

"Yeah sis hold on a second...HEY SHUT UP!!AND CHAOS DELETE THE DAMN THING....Know what ?" She ignored the crashing sounds in the background

"The kid, he's in trouble....a lot of it" She said solemnly

No noise was heard from the either side and silence spread on both sides

" .....*sigh*...Sis listen to me very carefully...." Tribunal said in a low voice making some distance between himself and others while Chaos and Infinity looked at each other and shrugged and went back to bickering

"Stay away from him.....atleast from that version of his" he paused thinking about something


"The less you know the better and whatever happens..... do not interfere, understand?"

Death had only heard him this serious in the last war when their father had to reset everything only keeping her siblings alive

"But Love's already got her eyes on him "

"....Get her away ASAP, no questions asked"

"...Got it " She hanged up the call and stared at the scene of the reality getting gliched on the screen

If someone was looking at it frame by frame they would notice a red line through the cracked sky and a giant Eldritch eye looking at it

(AN:- Pic in comments)

"Time to end her silly crush, this is gonna make her hate me....again.....few hugs and sweets with lot of apologies should do the trick" she sighed in frustration and went back to Love's Realm


•Somewhere in the Multiverse•

"Where!" The man screamed as kept slashing his sword opening new rifts and changing reality around him with every Slash

*Slash* The scene changed around him from void to Avengers Battling at New York

"The Fuck!"

*Slash* It changed again to X-Men fighting Sentinels

"Is he hiding !?"

A pissed off roar was heard from everywhere as a sword slashed the air creating a rift opening to the scene of Hulks fighting each other

A man angrily walked out while holding the teared rip with one hand spreading it open like curtains and looking at the destruction and a mob of Hulks in middle of some showdown, all looking at him

(AN:- If you know you know)

"Motherf**** not this one!!!" He screamed annoyed while scratching his head ignoring the Hulks


"SHUT UP!!" He angrily slashed his sword at the black giant Hulk cutting him and everyone else in the path of the swing in two

The remaining Hulks stepped back slowly glad to survive the Black Hulk's rampage and afraid of the normal looking human

"....." No one said anything as the humans just threw a tantrum for a while and sighed after rubbing his temple

"Let's try this again " he said and calmly slashed vertically in front of him

The blade dissapeared mid Slash into the air as if cutting it leaving half sword behind

"....let's not jinx it this time" he said and walked through the rip which closed after his exit

The dumbfounded group of Hulks stared for a while before bursting out into cheers

"Yessss!!!He's finally dead"

"Sound the Bells!! Today we hold a Feast and The Games!!!"

They cheered happily ignoring the dead giant black Hulk and the transparent Strange floating there with a man in black having skull design on his face

".....was that you ?" Strange asked the man

"Don't accuse me of something I didn't do.."

"So you weren't the one behind that?" Strange asked point at the Giant Hulk

"That was on me.....but that....thing.....was something different" he said calmly and walked right into the Void leaving Strange behind

"....Who am I supposed to ask then ?" Strange sighed and went back to his body leaving the planet of Hulks


•Back to Earth•


"Did you catch cold or something?" Maya asked Leo who was looking around confused

"Someone is cursing me" He said narrowing his eyes in Ikaris's direction who had just flown back making him flinch

"'s not him ...then who?" Leo thought for a while before getting his face grabbed by Maya

"Stop thinking about random things and lay back down " she said squishing his cheeks

"Okaf fife~" he groaned not able to speak clearly and went back to snuggling ignoring the death stares he was getting from Eli and a deadpan look from Fen and Liana who were used to their antics

"Ajak what are you staring at ?" Sersi asked Ajak who was looking at the sky in daze with golden eyes

".....Nothing just going over the mission details again" she said

She just got the new changes made by Arishem after meeting that human

It was a treaty. As long as either party doesn't harm the other, they were free to continue with the mission, which was accepted immediately by the others.

No one wanted to fight someone who could move faster than Makkari, was stronger than Ikaris and had weird powers

"So I take it that the clear area is his ?" Phastos asked displaying the clear area of only green dots

"That and the surrounding 2000km radius" a voice spoke from behind

*High pitched scream*

Kingo screamed like a girl making everyone stare at him


"Hahahahaha" everyone started laughing with Sprite slowly hiding the recorder

"Delete that " Kingo said while trying to hide his face

"Never!" Sprite started running

Sprite had quickly recorded the moment and got chased by Kingo with Makkari assisting her escape with everyone laughing and smiling leaving a stunned Phastos who just got jumpscared by Leo's sudden appearance

"Here..." he said pointing at few spots on the map

"This ,this,this,and that those areas are off limits....but if for some reason you do go there, be sure to not cause any damage to the things over there " he pinned over dozen locations on world map as restricted area

"Hey Ajak, wanna check my pla- !" He dodged a ball of flames heading towards his face

He looked at his assailant who was smiling eerily with flames burning on her hands "Watch your words darling ~ We don't want burned face now do we ?" Maya slowly walked towards him increasing the intensity of the flames

"T-That was a joke honey " he backed up slowly only to be stopped by a blueish white blur

"Here" Fen said picking and throwing Leo towards Maya "Have fun~" Liana waved her hands watching her brother getting dragged away

"Is this normal?" Sersi asked looking at Leo's crying face

"Yup, just ignore them, let's get back to stories " Eli looked around before locking on her target ....the unsuspecting Sprite and tackled her

"What's that weird Music ?"- Sprite 5001 BC



HP:- 5M/5M (50M)

MP:- 10M/10M (50M)

SP:- 20M/20M (80M)

STR:- 5M/5M (50M)

AGI:- 5M/5M (50M)

DEX:- 5M/5M (50M)

[NEW]-VIT:- 5M/5M (50M)

INT:- 2000/2000

LUC:- 2000/2000

WIS:- 6000/6000
