Chapter 35




"Come on!! I know you can do better than this !! GET UP !!!" Leo screamed to Ikaris who was laying down in a pit

"....." he didn't say anything and quickly flew up in the sky only to be dragged back down by a invisible force

"FIRST MISTAKE, YOU ALWAYS TRY TO FLY OFF WHENEVER THINGS GET DIFFICULT FOR YOU !!" Leo screamed once again and caught Ikaris by his feet

"AND IF YOU DO THAT, IT MEANS ENEMIES CAN DO THIS TO YOU!! " Leo swung his new weapon Ikaris around like a mace


And smashed him into the ground

Ikaris tried to use his eyes but got picked by his feet and got smashed again

"SECOND MISTAKE!! YOU ALWAYS USE YOUR EYES WHEN FLYING DOSEN'T WORK" He smashed Ikaris on the ground few more times before tossing him like a doll towards a distant mountain which was blown to bits

"Now then " Leo said calmly as he landed besides a beat up Ikaris "Let's work from the basics shall we ?" He smiled

"Yes.....Sen...sen.." Ikaris paused in between refusing to say it

"Hey you are the one who asked for my help. Come on~ Say it ~" Leo teased him with a shit eating grin

"...Sensei" Ikaris gave up and said it with clenched teeth

"See? That wasn't difficult was it ?" Leo smiled and extended his hand to Ikaris who reluctantly took it and got up

"Can't believe he actually said it" Kingo said in disbelief at the scene of Ikaris saying the word

*Tch*" What's so amazing about him, he was already stronger than Ikaris, it wasn't fair " Sprite complained only to get a faceplam from Eli and a frightened yelp from Liana

"Why? Isn't it true ?" She asked the duo

Eli sighed before answering "That is the worst mistake you can make if you think you can win by sealing his powers "

"... Brother without his powers is more scary" Laina answered with blank eyes

"...." Sprite just stared at the duo's antics not believing a single word and proceeds to ignore them

"But he has a point" Thena said with Gilgamesh agreeing with her

"Ikaris has this habit and he always does it. Sometimes the laser beams hit others while fighting" He said

[I know right? I had to dodge them several times and move humans from path of some of those lasers] Makkari gestured to the group

"Come on guys, he never had anyone on his level to fight with him and we have no one to train us do we?" Sersi defends Ikaris but she too has a point. Ikaris was the strongest Eternal...well at least amongst the current ones on Earth except Gilgamesh who can beat him in raw power and he doesn't really have a option of evolving or adapting cause of Eternal Physiology unable to age or grow

"So the solution is to use the available power effectively and efficiently" Leo advised while joining the group

"What about Ajak ?" Laina asked "Isn't she your guide?"

"Sis.....when have you ever seen her fight ? " Leo had a dumbfounded look on his face

"She is a guide as in she guides them on what to do next or helps with their wounds and stuff or sometimes even existential crisis once in a while" he explained further getting questionable looks from the person herself

"Existential Crisis?" Ajak said as she didn't know she had that task in her job description

"You'll get it in about... six thousand years give or take...that is if I even allow them to find the continent" he whispered the last part to himself while ignoring the deadpan looks from the group


•Few Hours ago•

*Leo POV*

Right now I'm watching them fight a horde of deviants, this time Fen isn't helping them as I'm curious to see their fighting styles and their strengths

It's been 10 years since Eternals dropped here and after watching them fight I only have one thought ''

I mean I know they don't really have the experience in dealing with deviants cause of the memory wipe aslo the reason why I asked Arishem about it the first time I met him.....which is pretty weird. I know he or Celestials are obsessed with things like evolution and all but, why didn't he just keep their experience? Did he want to check something else? I'll never know


A laser just missed me by few inches making me look at the flying battle above with Ikaris just blasting the bird deviant

I just ignored him and continued watching the battle or slaughter to be exact

'Thena is cutting them like vegetables as usual. Gilgamesh.....why are you using a deviant as a bowling ball ?' I stare deadpan at Gilgamesh who just discovered bowling with deviants as pins and the ball

"So little cub, how are they ?" Fen joins and sits besides me

"Honestly, they lack experience for the most part and their fighting style almost looks like they were preprogrammed to move in specific manner like how I sometimes fought while asleep "

"Cub .....can you see it ?" Fen asked growling a little bit making me narrow my eyes at the fight

"Now that you mentioned it.....I can" I slowly spread my aura towards the battlefield specifically targeting the deviants making them slower than before

Although surprised, the Eternals quickly took that chance to end the fight quickly. Ajak quickly went towards them to heal their wounds not before giving me a subtle thank you nod while I nod back

"Mura..." Fen called me while staring at something "Didn't you burn all those annoying flies?"

"I did.....but even I can make mistakes so be on guard " Fen nods his head

I knew something was wrong. The last 10 years were way too peaceful, not like I'm complaining or something but it felt weird with all the lovey dovey and calm life.

Now normally it wouldn't have mattered but I spent my early days literally burning worlds just so I could sleep without keeping a constant watch. The war with spirit dimension was brutal....for them that is and when I say dimension I really mean an entire fucking realm, big enough by atleast few galaxies if I put it in perspective. Fucking hell it's an entire different plane of existence of course it's big and no way in hell even I could absorb all that even if I wanted to, so I just let the flames lose which kept burning feeding on the energy of the dimension. The only reason they gave up on this one is because I just burned the bridge that was connecting them to Earth but here's the problem, it only applies to Earth, if and if they find another gap in any other place in the Universe then they can just build a new connection and slowly control that part....Let the Asgardians deal with that, back to the problem at hand.

The deviants are stronger than they should've been if I go by the timeline. It's like they are adapting faster than they should. They were able to predict theirr attack patterns, they are growing fast, faster than Eternals who are learning everything at snail's pace and still getting used to the combat.....that is a problem.

You see, the pact I made with Arishem states that I can't interfere directly in conflicts between Eternals and Deviants.....keyword being 'directly' so I can just use that loophole and indirectly affect the outcome of some fights like I did just now.

"And just when I thought I'd live in peace ..." Fem just looks at me with utter disbelief and slowly backs away

"....You know, I would believe you if you didn't have that creepy smile on your face "

"I'm not smiling though?" Remember when I said something about peace and all...I lied, I'm way too used to the fighting to just sit it out .....Time dilation in spirit dimension is nuts, one day here is equal to about 100 years or sometimes even more and I spent over 2 or 3 months over there in earth time

'I wasn't kidding when I said I was older than anyone Red ever knew,Red is what I call the Maya imposter, speaking off, where the heck is she ?'

"...." I'm broken away from my inner monolog when Ikaris approaches me with a solemn face



Other Eternals quickly arrived at the scene and wanted to help but Fen stopped them while we just stared at each other for few minutes making the air tense as if a fight is about to happen.

"....I need your help" he said after a long stare down

"O....kay, but you'll have to call me Sensei " I agreed immediately, he just made my job easier, this just gives me a excuse to train the others

His face just turned into scowl "I won't" he said as if that was a option

I try to hide my grin "How about this, I'll fight you at your level, if you can beat me then you won't have to call me that, but if I can beat you then you will. Bet?"

He looks unsure cause I have never lost a bet in all these years and Sprite has a grudge against me. I'm pretty sure she would've trapped me in a illusion if I didn't always mess with her attempts of doing that.

"Come on~ I'm fighting at 'your' strength, don't you have some faith in your power ? Don't you have some faith in Arishem who gave you that power ? You think he will make you that weak ?" That may have been a little over the top as I can see his eyes shining in golden


I quickly tilt my head to the side to avoid the laser beams "Well, you attacked first" and flipped again to avoid more incoming lasers

*Whoom*x 8

I dodge ever laser and can see he's getting that even possible? I guess overworking their core can do that ? Hmm....will have to scan their bodies and study them again, *sigh* if only killing them was an option, would've made dissecting them a lot more easier


I quickly dodge a right punch heading for my face by ducking down and take a step forward "Renewal: Arang" hit him right in the middle of his ribs with my elbow making him fly off somewhere


•Present Time•

Leo just continued training Ikaris after that little situation and then left the job of healing to Ajak

"Now how should I train the others? Gilgamesh is pretty much just punching stuff, Kingo just blasts them with his finger gun and apparently Thena can't throw her weapons"

"I'll deal with it later for now....." he quickly snapped his head towards the east "Let's burn some insects " and quickly flew in that direction


<< In some Office>>

"But why isn't it possible !?" we can see a man in his early 20s screaming at the reception lady banging his hands on the table

"Sir, this is a Wendy's please take your order " the lady had blank look in her eyes, she was tired of this annoying brat but she had a job and if this brainless fool can't even understand one simple thing then she'll just utter complete bs and it worked

"...ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!??" He screamed loudly making her sigh and press the button calling security to throw him out

"No! I won't leave! Do you know who I am!! I'm son of the Pri-" he didn't even get to finish his sentence when the security threw him out of the building

"Umm....Ma'am? Are you sure it was ok to do that ?" her junior asked worried

"It's fine~ If he was from a high level universe then it would've caused minor issues but he isn't, just a son of a small god who only has one universe can't do anything to me or us" she patted her juniors back in assurance "And he had a complete bullshit reason so kicked him out " her eye twitched when she thought of it

"What reason ?" the newbie asked curious

"Apparently someone from a multiversal universe killed his fiancé and he wants to meet a agent "

"That's it ?" Even the newbie was surprised


".....Was he just a idiot or he didn't know ?"

"Probably a idiot " the lady shrugged and went back to work


Her junior quickly tried to hold her laughter but failed "What is it?" She asked

"You know that metaphor 'Frog at the bottom of the well', I just remembered that " newbie chuckled

"You're absolutely right kid it does match, see you're already learing the job quickly, it won't be long before you take my place " the lady smiled totally ignoring the crowd that was waiting in line


<< Outside the Building>>

"THAT BITCH!!! HOW DARE SHE KICK ME OUT !!??" We can see the same man kicking a dumpster and throwing a tantrum like a spoiled young master

"Oi brat, stop trashing our joint " a begger shouted from the side with other beggars walking towards them

"HUH? WHO TF ARE YOU OLD MAN!? WANNA DIE!!??" Yup young master through and through

"Kids these days lack manners don't they ?" one for them said while literally teleporting to the man's side and held him by neck

"Everyone let's teach him a lesson " and he threw the man to the mob who gave him a bloody beat down

• After few hours•

The man laid in a dumpster with no clothes on and just stared at the night sky with empty eyes

*Sigh* " I told you it was impossible and they won't deal with the mess she created, why didn't you just listen to me son ?" A old man sighed as he snapped his fingers and man floats in air as his injuries heal and clothes appear on his body

"F-Father" he stuttered "Son, how many wives do you have now? Why are you so obsessed with her?"

"..." The man didn't say anything but just lowered his head in shame not meeting his father's gaze. The old man sighed once again "Let's go home" and snapped his fingers vanishing from the place



"Have you found him?" A voice asked from the inside of a cave

"Not yet, but we found his clone" we can see a humanoid figure kneeling on the ground in front of it

"....The hell am I supposed to do with a clone !?" the voice screamed making the figure shiver in fright

"M-Master we can use a soul tracking spell to find his body i-if we get his clone "

"And how we even send one our men in? It's not like we can just use the loophole of the system and have our men reincarnate over there "

"As expected of Master he already figured out the solution!!" the figure quickly boot licked the unknown man who was confused 'When did I do that? Well let's just keep up the act'

"Good! Now select some disciples and sneak in through the gaps! I hope you won't disappoint me this time !"

"As you wish Master" the figure bowed to the shadows before vanishing

"..." silence spread for a few seconds

"Maybe it is a bad idea?" the voice sounded unsure as it was impossible to sneak in 'his' world, even for their Sect Master.

"No use thinking about it, let's inform the elders about this" A blurry man walked out of the cave and dissapeared to inform others about this


• Back in Marvel Verse•

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure for you to suddenly drop by ?" TOAA slid a can of cola to his guest who was giving him questionable looks

"How long have we been friends TOAA ?" The man in black suit asked him

TOAA:- "For a long time now "

"Then can you do me a favor ?"

"Are you sure you want to ask me that ?" TOAA looked at his friend worried

"Yes.....can you hand me the kid ?" the man sighed and requested

"You do know he's not here right ?"

".....WHAT!!??" He screamed and got up from his seat making TOAA hold his ears

".....Apparently you didn't, some idiots thought it was good idea to transfer him forcefully and hacked the system my daughter gave him as a prank" TOAA sighed and passed another can of cola to his friend who quickly drank it before asking for more

"And your daughter let them live ?" He asked after calming down

"She's still working on her anger management issues after that last incident "

"....Fair point but still, did you know what happened in his home universe?"


"The agent,the supervisor and manager were killed and no one knows, even the VP was scared by him"

"..." TOAA just stared in disbelief and sat down on his chair

"The Company is hiding something, so you better be careful old friend" the man advised and sat down with TOAA and gave him more drinks



~Inside Leo's Mindscape~

"Damn it !!" Why isn't it working !?" Maya or more accurately Red the imposter screamed in frustration at Leo who was just chilling on a tree watching the show

"If it was that easy you'd have succeeded in the first try love~ " he had smug face and teased her

"Get down here !!" She tried to change the mindscape to her liking making the tree vanish for a split second but failed

"You know Red, I am the same as him so your attempts of bringing him out will always fail, just accept it already, he's dead" he said lazily not giving a damn about spilling secrets

"Then why have you locked me here ?" Maya who had red hair snapped at him with a dark aura spreading from her

"It's exactly because of that" he point at the her black hands " The Darkhold will slowly corrupt you till the point where you are noting but a evil child sacrificing Witch, so this is training to get over its influence and master it completely and like I said I'm the same as him meaning..." he slowly floated to the angry Maya and hugged her tightly "I love you the same or maybe even more and I can't just see you like this ...."

She calmed down after failing to get out of the hug and her hands turned normal "Sorry....." she whispered returning the hug "....about this " and stabbed him in the back

"Don't worry love....." she stabbed him again "I will bring you back " she changed the mindscape into something else and started laughing crazily

*Camera slowly zooms out with her in a red glass sphere laughing crazily before going through the same cycle again and again *

".....I know lost of a loved one can cause breakdowns but this is just taking it to the next level of crazy, are you sure you are still sane?" Leo said while holding the said sphere in his hands and looked at Red who was trying to hide her face from him "You can't blame me Ok!? I was going through some stuff!!" She hid behind Maya who was trying to hold her laughter

"But killing my counter parts? Really?" He sighed and put the glass globe back in its place

"There are infinite number of 'me' out there, what made you think you'll find me by just randomly killing them ?"

"...But I did find you ..." she whispered quietly

"Because I wanted you too " he sighed and joined Maya on the couch before keeping his head on her lap "Otherwise this idiot would've taken atleast few decades to confess- Oww! Why!?" as soon as he said that he got pinched on his waist by a pouty Maya "Maybe it would've been a lot more easier if only a certain someone didn't keep rejecting me again and again" She huffed and looked away

"Like her I was going through some stuff ok?" He pointed at red only to get a 'are you for real' looks from them

"Fine~ Look at this then " he said while making a screen appear in front of them

"What is that ?"

"That my dear wives are the various possibilities that may have happened and also the reason why I don't have reality manipulation powers" he played the video and made some popcorn and drinks

And so the short story began playing


~Real world~

"That kid is weird" Sprite said while pointing at a kid who was staring intensely at them who looked away when she pointed at him

"Maybe he has a crush on you ?" Kingo teased only to get his foot stomped upon by a angry Sprite "Come on, atleast finish the story" he shouted only to get a middle finger from her

".....Well ladies and gentlemen looks like you're all stuck with me today " he said to the crowd getting few chuckles "Let me tell you the tale of Ikaris....." and began telling the legend of Ikaris

"That didn't happen right ?" Sersi asked Ikaris who was smiling listening to the tale

"No it didn't, Sprite just came up with that few years back as a joke"

Sersi smiled before looking at the angry-sad Sprite "I'll just check up on Sprite she looks like she's about to shoot someone" Ikaris nodded and Sersi went to console the kid



*Phew* "And that was the last of them " Leo wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead getting deadpan looks from Fen who had just tore the last possessed body

"Are we done yet?" He asked

"Yes wait a sec..." Leo burned the bodies and absorbed the remaning energy they had "....Okay now we're done, let's go..Oh Not Agai-!!!" even before he could finish his sentence he got dragged by a tentacle into a space rip which appeared out of nowhere

"Cub?" Fen looked around only to find a note in Leo's place

[ I'll be back but look out for the imposter that is hiding within the humans ]

" you have any idea how little it narrows it down to?" He just stared deadpan at the empty space for a while before heading back home
