What the hell happened before meeting the Eternals? - Part 1


AN:- Just gonna be a small Flashback type story explaining some things and the following chaps may get a little dark so you've been warned


~Few months after Gula's death~

*Leo POV*

"It's getting annoying now"

"What is ?"

"Some bugs are buzzing around too much"

"Then ignore them"

"I can't, too annoying to ignore"

"Then kill 'em?"

".....Good idea sis"

"Wait! At least eat something before you go"

"No need to worry mother, I'll hunt something later"

"Ok! Be back before night "


It's been a while since that spirit incident and they haven't stopped. They are always trying to control someone from the tribe but fail everytime. I can't burn them everytime so had to kill their minds....telepathy

Right now I'm searching for their tracks, if there are any and trying to find the gateway

I finally find it after searching around for 4 hours, It looks like someone blurred a glass and kept it in a random location'.....Do I touch it ?'

'Yup gonna touch it.....' and I get pulled into the damn thing '....shit' and everything around me goes black for split second before light suddenly hits my eyes

"...F" I stare at the portal thingy up in the sky. The portal or the dimensional gap just dropped me in a forest somewhere and from the looks of it this is not earth and how do I know ?

Well, there are 3 suns in the sky...Great, just Great, did something totally off character for once and just got tossed somewhere

"Let's check the surroundings first"

Now I could've just went back but I'm not gonna risk some unknown bacteria attaching itself to me a using me as a carrier.....too early for a Zombie Apocalypse, although I can burn myself cleaning everything but I don't wanna end up naked in some random planet

(AN:- He's still young and doesn't have full control over some of his powers unlike the God Mode mf he became some years later)

{⏚⍜⌇⌇ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⍙⟒⟟⍀⎅ ☊⍀⟒⏃⏁⎍⍀⟒}

Suddenly I hear some incomprehensible gibberish and look to the side to see some weirdest things I've ever seen in my life. A cat like water is pointing at me with a rock bear staring at me .....I'll just assume it's staring at me, can't really make out where it's eyes are

{⟟⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍⌇ ⌇⟟⋔⟟⌰⏃⍀ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⌰⎅⟒⍀⌇ ⏁⏃⌰☍⟒⎅ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⍀⟟☌⊑⏁ ?}

'The bear spoke I guess? What the fuck?'

{⌰⍜⍜☍ ⏃⏁ ⟟⏁⌇ ☊⍜⋏⎎⎍⌇⟒⎅ ⎎⏃☊⟒, ⟟⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍⌇ ⊑⟟⌰⏃⍀⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⊑⏃⊑⏃⊑⏃⊑⏃}

'OK now it's getting annoying, let's high jack their mind waves and ...we in bois, now let's check for language section...and done... downloaded successfully'

{Bo⌇s di⎅ ⊬ou f⟒e⌰ ⌇o⋔eth⟟n☌ ?}

'Yup didn't work....' I smack my head few times....as if that was gonna work

{Di⌇ He ⌰⍜se hi⌇ mind or something?}

'...it actually fucking worked ?' just gonna smack my head a few more times

{Probably ? ⊑e look⌇ pret⏁⊬ stupid}

'OK I can understand.....atleast few words will get used to it, but first ...did the water shaped like cat just called me stupid?'

"Oi, you are the stupid ones!!"




~~Awkward silence ~~

'Now this is embarrassing.....forgot to change the default language settings ...'

I faceplam myself before clearing my throat and speaking again

{⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⎍⌿⟟⎅ ⍜⋏⟒⌇}

(AN:- From here out the conversation will be normal but remember they are speaking in alien)

"Oh, look like he isn't that stupid after all" the bear mocks me

"But boss what should do with it now?" Water cat asked

'Just needed alien bandits to complete this adventure' I roll my eyes at them

"Oi NPC A and B before I kill you tell me where the hell am I?"


*pfft* "Hahahahahahaha" x 2

The fuckers just laugh at me making my eye twitch

"Kill us He says !!" The water rolled on the ground making it wet

"Ah this is funny, the last slaves were boring, this will fetch a good price " the bear said before standing on it's hind legs

"Try not to kill it this time Boss"

"Yeah yeah get the bags I'll make this qui-"


The bear didn't get to finish it's sentence as I punched it's head blowing it up

I land in front of the stunned water cat and look at it in the eyes

"So...what was it about slaves ?" I smile kindly but it just frightened the poor cat.....it's a kind smile right?

(AN:-...Pic in the comments)



"Boss is .."

"Boss is what?"

"....Boss is not that easy to kill dumbass !!" The cat just transformed into water to dodge the incoming fist from behind


The ground cracked where the fist landed but the target was long gone from it's path

"Damn that hurt! Where the heck that human!?" The bear just regenerated via eating the rocks from the surroundings


*3rd POV*

[Target A alive, it is regenerating using its surroundings.]

A monotone voice sounded from the smoke making the bear grunt and wave it's paws to clear it

Leo was just siting atop his arm which was still embedded in the cracked ground

"What the...." The bear paused his sentence as he suddenly got kicked in it's face blowing it again

[Plan A failed again, the core is not located in the head...proceeding to activate all backup plans] he said again in a monotone voice while dodging the Earth spikes the bear was creating while regenerating it's head

"Boss what the heck is wrong with this one ?" The cat formed some water whips to hit Leo but he dodged them without seeing them

[Traget B interfered making it difficult to gather data, bring the shields online.....error.....shields damaged from the spatial jump, using hydrokenisis to tamper with it's control ] he waved his hand in the cats direction making it pause for a second before it started freezing

"B-boss save me!!" It screamed in distress only to be ignored by the bear who was staring at Leo solemnly and turned into a ice statue

[.....No brain waves or soul fluctuations detected from Traget B, solution 1 acquired....saving file...saved.....proceed to eliminate Target B-]

"Die!!!" The bear cut him mid dialog creating a gaint rock wave by smashing his paws in the ground

[Using Earth Manipulation to disrupt the energy flow emitted by Target B ...success] Leo stomped his feet on the ground and did a Earth Bender movement rasing his own rock wave against the bear's


The rock tsunami collide against each other elevating the initial ground level. Both Leo and the bear jumped just as the impact was about to hit them

"How are doing that!?" The bear screamed

[Using Telekinesis to tear apart the target] he didn't answer and the bear felt some kind of wave pass over it

"Wha?" It was now floating in air unable to move while Leo slowly approached it eerily

[Checking for a core ] he tore the paw of the rock bear

"Ahhhhhhh stop!! stop it!!!" It screamed only to be ignored and got his other paw detached


[Result:- Targets are not biological lifeforms, upon further inspection it is observed that target are using some sort of spiritual imprint to move their physical bodies which are made up of natural elements] he then drove his hand into the bear's chest making it twitch before dying and it's body broke apart

[Core acquired, located in the central part of chest but more subjects are needed to confirm this theory, unknown energy detected from the core .....proceed to absorb it] he burned the core with his flames and absorbed it

[.....A slight increase in spiritual energy detected with mind becoming more clear, consciousness has been strengthened further, a slight increase in earth manipulation detected.....saving new discovery...saved....] he got up from his position and looked at the ice cat

[Conducting test 2, subject B ] he then did the same process again this time on the ice cat statue and found a blue core

[.....Increase in spiritual levels, increase in hydrokenisis control and clear mind with more powerful consciousness] his eyes glowed for few minutes before going back to normal

[Disengage Combat mode ] like a robot he powered down


*Leo POV*

I blink my eyes few times and look around to see the destruction 'I' caused

"First test successful.....let's see...." I use hydrokenisis and turn the ice into water once again before turning it into a pressurized jet and use it to clear the surroundings

"Hmm.....control has increased with less psychic power required to do that.....good news i guess ? But still doesn't answer the question.....where the fuck am I?"

Shouldn't have killed them before checking their memories

And for those who are wondering wtf happened just now, it's actually simple

You see I know stuff.....too much stuff...Try to punch me and I can come up with 200 ways to counter that single punch, now imagine the same in a high speed fight where I need to counter hundreds of punches and kicks with thousands of different combinations

There is only so much I can do, now the main body has the boys or my split personalities to handle that load. Each of them is a expert in their own fields so the main personality aka me doesn't have to worry about everything

But this body doesn't have that so I just combined all the fighting and all other tactics and stuff in one separate part and created a mind AI of sorts ? Well, it worked so we good

Now don't get me wrong I can fight pretty well but it's just my laziness that made me do this .....some habits don't change do they

The AI learns everything in real time and comes with most efficient and effective way to solve the problem or in this case killing with less output and in more lethal ways ...as if that wasn't enough I just added my mad scientist persona in that. So yes, a cold ruthless killing machine which experiments on live subjects ...sometimes I doubt my sanity

Anways let's check for footprints....pawprints and check where they came from

"But first...." I look around at all the damaged forest and traces of battle "Let's put this all back together " I tapped my foot making everything back as it was before the fight, erasing all the evidence "Now...let's check what it ment by slaves "


• In a Palace•

"My lord" a humanoid ice bowed towards the throne

"Arise Kyro, what news have you brought?"

"A human has entered our domain, should we capture it ?" Kyro asked

"A human in these lands ?" A humanoid shaped water spoke while siting on one of the chairs

"Your majesty, we should be careful, it might be related to that flame kid who burned our messengers" the water replied

"Hmm.....Kyro, take Hali with you and keep an eye on it and make sure 'they' don't find it" the king answered after thinking about something

"Yes your Highness " they bowed and left the hall leaving the king alone

"Why not just capture it ?" The queen asked

".....We need all the help we can get, the other side..... is getting restless" the king paused in between sentences huffing a little while speaking

(AN:- I suck at things like this so don't expect much from scenes like this, I'll probably need to watch more middle ages shows to get it right )


*Leo POV*

After walking for almost some odd 6-7hrs I finally find a clearing and some buildings? Looks like a fortress made of marble or something.....looks pretty and is big like 300m something big ...what is this some kind of final boss fight or something ?

"Finally" I almost scream out loud but hold myself back to not get attention from what I suppose are the guards .....probably. I had to climb the damn wall to get inside without being detected.

Fun Fact:- You can use telekinetic shields to blend in by displaying the image from the front to the back like how helicarrier use cameras to become invisible

So I successfully sneaked in .....now what ?

I walk forward only to step on a glass making it crack

"Did you hear that ?" a guard looks at my location making me pause my step midair

"What ?"

"Nothing just thought I heard something" it finally left making me sigh

.....that was close, almost killed 'em

The guards are not like the cat and bear I encountered. They mostly look humanoid but have 4 arms, 2 long and 2 short with hind legs .....probably a alien species? Wait....isn't this the spirit dimension? What the hell is going on?

Now just need to kidnap one guard and scan it's memories real quick to understand what the fuck is happening

And I did just that, I didn't actually kidnap it just caught it's brain/mind waves and entered its mind giving a quick rundown and found something... interesting?

These aren't spirits they are called Elementals.....guess Mysterio was right in Far From Home...or a lucky guess.

Apparently these 'Elementals' invade various worlds or planets or civilizations and conquer them. Typical alien story with a higher civilization taking control of a lower one but the only difference is that these guys are bound to this dimension so they can bring other species in here but can't exit it. But why capture other species you ask? Simple, they just use them like vessels and invade the said worlds kind of like the Skrulls? The only difference being these guys can control natural elements but are limited to either 1 type with more power or different elements with less power

Like for example take one who has only one element but he is strong enough to control that element to casually change entire cities

Now take one who has many elements but they can only blow up 1 or 2 houses at most....depends on the user actually .....moving on.

Good news is that these guys are limited by their spiritual energy. Controlling elements require more spiritual energy so they only have one element as a default

After gathering the information I don't know what to do.

Should I rescue the humans? Cause chaos? Kill and absorb everyone and make this my hunting ground? I don't know ...

"Please...help us.."

Just when I'm deciding what to do next I hear some pleading voices from one of the cells

"...Fuck it" I curse in my mind and head towards the voice ...honestly feels like a cliché but still go there anyways

I reach the cells and see something that just makes my day more annoying

"Okay, maybe blowing them will be a good idea" I can feel veins pop up in anger

I see what looks like a human slime with mouth just begging me to kill it and from the looks of it, it's a mix between various animals and humans ...Fucking Fullmetal Alchemist through and through only 10 times worse

Controlling my anger I look around more and find few children.....all mashed up together to form a monstrosity of multiple arms and faces all looking at me in tears....

*3rd POV*


A drop of blood falls down from Leo's mouth as he's clenching his teeth hard

"!@*#*@!" The mass of children tries to speak something but their vocal cords are too damaged to even get a word correct

"I know right, maybe the Duk- who the hell are you!?" Some guard finds him just standing and staring

"Ho~ Like what you see ~ Don't worry we will add y-" another tried to rile him up but.....




Leo whispered one word and flames started spreading from him all over the place except the cells

"Arrhhhhhhhh!!!" *Crunch* the guards screamed as his body slowly fell apart

"Burn everything, don't leave anyone alive" he ordered his flames, infusing them with his will

He silently watched them spread in every corner and turned towards the cells. He sighed and went towards it

"Rest now children they won't bother you again" he smiled at the faces and put them to sleep with telepathy. He touched the head of it as his eyes shined in golden light

"Let's see...several souls patched up together, altered DNA and some.....no a lot of missing parts...estimated time of recovery...1 year....hmm...let's take 'em " he floated the children blob and went towards the slime

"Hmm...similar condition only animal DNA is added to the mix and missing bones.....will probably take 2 years ....." he stood up and took the slime with him

Screams echoed throught the empty hallway as Leo walked ignoring the flames with two floating blobs following him around

*sigh* "Mother is gonna be angry when I go back" he looked up at the night sky which had 2 moons, sighed once again and walked into the forest leaving the burning fortress behind


"Humans do stick with each other huh?" A lady in green watched him walk away floating in sky

"Should we report this, Syl ?" A bird like creature asked her

"Don't, let's keep observing him, who knows he might find a solution to that problem" she waved her hands putting out the flames and landed

"Search for survivors, we may need them for negotiations "



*Leo POV*

"So they found me ...that was quick and sus at the same time" Right now I'm in a cave I made for expe- I mean healing these .....slimes ?

"Do I risk it or wait?" I'm not arrogant enough to just heal them blindly without some practice, Knowing something is one thing and doing something about it is another

Do I know the cause ? Yes

Can I do something about it ? No

I may have powers and all but I ain't a expert in biology and sure as hell ain't a expert in genealogy...I did not know that term existed ...anyways, I'm just gonna seal their minds and put them in a coma like state before figuring out what the hell happened to them.

I know I shouldn't have burned every living being before checking their minds but that thing which showed up later was making my danger senses go nuts. The outrage and the buring was act to distract 'it'.....it didn't work but atleast 'it' let me leave

The only reason I even found 'it' out was because of the soul ping i felt, using spiritual energy as a radar to pick stuff up ...a neat trick I learned from a fan fic.....knowledge is power

Now let's go home and check some things after sealing this cave
