What the hell happened before meeting the Eternals? - Final

*Audience POV*

•Elementals Dimension•

-Few days After Leo left-

In a meeting room somewhere on the planet

Several people were siting around a round table with a holographic screen in middle

It displayed images of Leo at various angles of him in the fight with the lightning chick and then him killing various beasts of the forest. It displayed some information along side the image



POWER:- Water,Ice,Earth,Fire,Lightning Manipulation- Small scale, Regeneration, life-force absorption, Is able to eat elemental core to recharge, Energy Bombs, Energy blade

CASUALTIES:- 2318 KIA in Outpost89, 15 slaves, 48 research staff, 28 experiment subjects, 1 commander



WEAKNESS:- Head, long duration fights, Ariel Battles, limited energy and range



Everyone stared at the images with dark faces before one at the center changed it to a video of some alien soilders finding the slimes he saved

It played the video from the POV of the captain of the group

[Signal stopped here, captain] one of aliens stopping front of the cave and turned towards the camera

[Alright, open it, but be careful]

[Grak, Pokt help me open it ]

Two others joined the 1st one and after few tries they managed to open it

The camera moved inside to see 2 blobs on a table

[Checking vitals....They are alive. Bag em ]

The team picked them and transported them to a facility

The scene shifted with some aliens wearing safety equipment and operating on the same slimes

[Kor, what is that part?]

[Huh? That's new....maybe a new muta-]


The video stopped with the slimes exploding and destroying the entire facility killing everyone in it

"As you've seen...." One of them stood up and walked towards the screen "The target is ruthless even to it's own kind..."

"We either need to capture it or kill it the first chance we can get. If it falls under 'their' hand....the war will be lost" he stared at everyone present until one of them raised his hand

"Your Highness..."

"Adress me as General right now Dhilznm, we are not in the palace"

".....As you wish your high....general, where is the Count ?" Dhilznm pointed at the empty chair making the general sigh

"That blast....." he muttered and click on the screen showing the image of a young woman in lab coats "....It killed Quinn"

Dhilznm just nodded and sat back down before a sudden transmission got their attention

[Sir! Disturbance dected in Southern Region!]

"Show me the live feed"

The screen displayed the image of a unknown object entering the atmosphere and crashing into the desert

"General.....Is that?"

"Yes...." Just as the general was thinking his choices a alien entered the room and gave the general a note

After reading the note the general just sighed "Deploy the drones ....." he ordered as various drones were released



Desert Region:- Sand Kings Domain


Nira woke up first after passing out while in the rift

She shook her head and looked around to find Leo lying some feet away while his body was shaking uncontrollably


She ran towards him to wake him up

"Awooo...." Nira gently tried shaking him up by rolling Leo's body over by pushing it down the sand hill ...didn't work

"Grrrrr" having no choice left she bit him hard on his hand but sadly, her efforts were in vain

She looked at his bleeding face and bit him again



Leo gasped hard taking in as much as air he could before bursting out in a fit of violent coughing

"Awoo?" Nira finally left his arm alone and quickly tried to help him up by biting his shirt and pulling him up (p.s she's a growing wolf around 1m or 100cm in height )

"I-I'm fine Ni-Nira" *cough!*

Leo still coughed violently while petting Nira's head.... well tried too. His body was still trembling with every hair on his body standing up

"G-Guess this w-what happens when you see a El-Eldritch being ?" He touched his wet face with shivering hands.

"Stop" he looked at his hand and tried to stop but still didn't work. He gritted his teeth while trying to control the shaking


He kept repeating the same thing over and over again almost like a broken machine trying to self-hypnotize his body into doing just that but an encounter with a elder god was anything but easy

Luckily his mind was strong enough to survive without any problems.....well without any major problems. Let's be honest, no sane person will ever survive the encounter and luckily for us, he's not. Last thing he is, is sane.


He turned to see Nira who was besides him with her ears dropped looking at him with concern "I'll be alright girl" he patted her head while breathing steadily to control the occasional tremors he got, "I'll be alright" he muttered as if reassuring himself

Leo knew something was seriously messed up. He though about some particular things which forced him to think everything from a different angle

First, everyone found him almost immediately

Second, he acted irrationally, touching a space rift, attracting unwanted attention by burning that fortress, fighting that owl by using fire in darkness, forgetting to read everyone's mind to gather necessary information and most importantly, not using telekinesis to stop Nira from entering the rift

It felt as if something was manipulating him and the situation

And that encounter.....almost as if it was scripted

"Y-You want m-me to walk a specific pa-path eh?" Leo slowly stood up confusing Nira as he was still holding his trembling hand while stuttering


He held that arm and...



Tore that arm scaring Nira who backed away from him

Not even a second passed before a new arm regrew from the stump


"As if that was gonna work " he stared at the still trembling arm in annoyance *Tsk* "Gonna have to recover from this in a natural way"

"Good thing I had some backups just for this.....but first" he suddenly grabbed Nira by her neck and picked her to his eye level "Let's see ....." he entered her mind and found something that just turned his suspicion into a reality.

Nira never disobeys him or anyone else from the family, he literally trained her from the day she was a cub and ofcourse made her intelligent enough to understand human speech so it was highly unlikely she would do that....unless something or someone controlled her the same way they did to him

Now why did he scan her mind instead of him? Simple. His mind was a lot stronger, meaning whatever it was that messed with him made sure they didn't leave a trace, but in Nira's case it was just a simple order, run to the rift the moment she sees Leo.

Now who can do that? No clue

What's their purpose? Kicking him out of the planet

For what purpose ?

Answer:- Many

First was the fact that Gods existed, which he found out not in a good way

Second it's the Marvel universe, anything can go wrong in just a moment

Gods would've been primary suspects but last time his main body checked, he found no trace of them. So they were either in a separate dimension or they simply weren't born yet or they haven't found earth yet

Second one just threw him for a loop as he hasn't read(red) comics so he has no idea if it was anything related to that but he had few suspects....just needed some kind of hi-


"What the...?" Leo heard a sharp whistle and looked at the sky to see a dot getting bigger and bigger as if something was flying towards him


His senses screamed at full alert as he quickly picked Nira and rolled out of the way


Something fell from the sky creating a big impact and strong heat waves. He barely avoided the fate of being turned into a meat paste by whatever fell down by sliding on the sand to avoid being hit by the stray glass shards. Whatever it was, was hot enough to turn sand into glass in a split second.

*Sizzling sound*


"What is it girl?"

Nira growled at the smoke cloud when a gaint red arm emerged from the lava pit catching his attention

"...Let's run" he quickly picked her up and ran leaving behind shockwaves


Even before he could take another step, someone stopped him by holding his shoulder

Leo stiffly looked over to see a red gaint staring eye to eye before he smiled and aimed his fist at Leo's head

'Shit!!' he cursed as he was holding Nira in one arm and hurriedly raised his free hand to block it


Leo's eyes slowly widen when he heard that sound before the force behind that punch hit him, blasting him off to the sky

"Do I have to use that this soon!?" He complained still airborne before he heard a whoosh and spotted the same giant spinning above him

"AGAIN!!?" He screamed while throwing Nira away before he got hit by a axe kick to the stomach

Air left his lungs the moment the kick connected


With a sonic boom Leo was tossed right back back the ground.


He coughed up blood when he bounced back up only to be hit by a knee to the face which cracked his skull

"Oh you ain't dying yet" the giant held Leo up by his hair and hissed angrily "You will pay for what you did to my wife!!"

Leo just smirked before whispering "....Which one?" in a mocking tone "Still joking....." *throws him up in air a little before punching him in the face midair*



It punched him again making Leo crash through several sand dunes before he was stopped by a mountain with a thud

*COUGH!!* x3

Leo coughed up blood while being imbued in the mountain. His arms, ribs and few bones in legs were broken, skull fractured and parts of his body were burned. He was barely awake only to see the gaint walking towards him

"Your bombs killed her you fucker!!"

"Ho~ *Spit* Looks like .....you got my.....gifts? Haha..hahaha" He spits blood on the giants face while laughing *Bang!* and got punched in the ground creating several cracks through it

"Your death won't be so easy" just as he was about to stomp him it stopped and looked at it's feet

"Grrr" Nira was biting the giant on it's leg "Hoh~ Look what I found" it picked up Nira by the neck and showed her to Leo "See this?"

Leo's eyes showed a horrified and a fearful expression "No....not the dog you sick fuck!!" He screamed with everything only for the gaint to *Snap* her neck like a twig

"Hahahahahaha!! I like your face now I wonder what face you will make when I kill your family in front of you!!" Leo had a blank look on his face while watching the laughing giant before he was thrown back to the ground

[Have you killed him ?] A drone suddenly appeared making him stop

The giant hid Leo's battered body behind it "....Yes"

[Good, bring his body to the base] The drone flew away making the giant look at it in annoyance before he turned to Leo "Fun time's over kid, goodnight" as the giant gathered fire on his plam creating a large ball and concentrated it into a small dot

"...Finally..." Leo muttered under his breath with his eyes slightly open.....


But just as he was about to fire it, without even looking, the giant suddenly aimed his arm towards his right firing a red ball towards someone

The unknown cloked figure just bitch slapped the ball changing it's direction


It exploded somewhere else creating a big mushroom cloud

".....Nadia, are you gonna interfere in our matters ?" He asked the cloked figure who calmly walked towards the fallen Leo while taking her hood down

"You know this territory falls under our empire, Ifrit" Nadia stared at Ifrit while still cautious about him and cooling the surroundings as her eyes shined in blue

Even though it looked like she did it with ease, her hand was red by the heat the ball had and right now Ifrit was also excluding his aura turning everything hot around him.

Ifrit had the environmental advantage as this was the desert, whereas Nida uses water and desert has less moisture as it is, so it was taking a toll on her but she still didn't back down

Just as things were getting out of control

"You.....what the hell are you doing to my house!!!" A figure landed in between them making them pull back their aura

Nidia quickly bowed down "My apologies Sand King, I'm here on behalf of the orders of his majesty to get this human out of your house" she spoke politely while slowly grabbing Leo by water whips and dragging him towards her

"Hmph! Then get out after taking him and you.....Ifrit...You better tell that brat to stop meddling in my domain" Sand king gestured towards Ifrit who was frozen in place

Ifrit gritted his teeth enraged but still kept a calm facade "Understood" he reluctantly looked at the battered Leo and flew away leaving King and Nadia alone

"....So....why are you still here?" He looked at Nadia who hurriedly ran off with Leo

Sand King looked at her departing back before he turned towards the half lava-half water desert

*Tsk* He clicked his tounge in annoyance before waving his hand reverting the desert as it was before


In a Palace room Leo was lying on bed with his body covered in plaster and various monitoring equipment when his eyes started moving

Leo woke up after a long time with every inch of his body hurting. He hissed sharply before gradually healing his body. Just as he finished it someone kicked the door open and entered the room

"Hey I brought some....soup.....oh, you're awake...SIS THE HUMAN WOKE UP!!!" A girl quickly ran out dropping the plate and shouting leaving him dumbfounded with his hand awkwardly hanging in air

"Weird..." he muttered silently while closing and opening his fist

He was engrossed in it that he didn't even notice a pair of eyes silently watching his actions just few inches away from his face

"Working alright?" "Yeah.....just a little delay..?" He paused and hurriedly jumped from the bed to see a woman in blue sitting on it looking at him with her gem like blue eyes

"Who are you and where the hell am I ?" he asked calmly after sensing no threat from her

"You are in my house and I am the one who saved you from Ifrit" she explained while walking towards him "You mean the red giant?" He slowly backed away just in case she attacked

"Yes....*suddenly grabs him*....hmm....from the looks of it, the burns have healed" she checked Leo's body closely while touching his abs making him blush a little. The lady was hot and her with those mesmerizing sapphire eyes didn't help, they were just drawing him in like the deep ocean


A slight cough woke him up from his daze when he noticed he was just few centimeters away from her face as she was also looking at his deep golden eyes.

"Aren't you staring a bit too much?" She tried backing away but right now she too was kind of lost in his eyes

"Can't help it, you have beautiful eyes " he replied in a instant and both continued staring at each other ....

*whistles* "Didn't know you moved this fast sis" Someone spoke from the side awakening both of them from their trance

Leo noticed a slight blush on her face too before both immediately looked at the culprit who had a shit eating grin on her face. It was the same girl who bought soup before running away from him

"Rena! It isn't like that!! "

"Ho~ You were just moments away from eating each other ~" The girl Rena teased while rasing her eyebrows with a smirk

"You!!! Get back here !!" She couldn't take it anymore and ran after Rena who bolted out of the room while flying leaving the still bandaged Leo behind who just sighed and layed back down on the bed and fell asleep

-Next day-


Leo muttered something half asleep when *Squish* He felt something soft in his hands


*Squish* *Squish*

He moved his arms up and touched something soft before his finger entered something wet


He opened his eyes slightly only to meet green eyes which were staring at him

".....Hi?" Leo tried to pull his finger back

*lick* when the owner of those eyes licked it making him pause with weirdness the situation

'Aren't they supposed to wake up screaming pervert or something?' he thought while still in the same plight but kind of enjoying the moment

"Can you please let go?"

*Slurp* " Why are you shy now honey? After what you did last night" she licked his fingers and faked tears making him stare with dropped eyes

"Haha good one, you have 3 seconds to explain, one night stand or not, I will punch you"

"Kya~ Save me, hubby is already committing domestic violence ~"

Leo just deadpaned at the bad acting and wanted to escape.....


....When someone rudely kicked the door open

"RENA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!??" The woman with blue eyes yelled while pointing at her sister "Getting to know my brother in law?" Rena tilted her head to the side cutely.


Leo just quietly back away as he saw a blue aura spread from the woman

"Uhh...I'm joking?....wait sis Don't!!" Rena tried to get away when water vines caught her and spanked her repeatedly before getting dragged out of the room

"Sorry for that" she quickly apologized to Leo who was still as confused as the fellow readers

"H-Here, after wearing this make your way to the hall, father is waiting to meet you. Ask the servants....they'll show you the way...." she gave him some robes and quickly ran away while hiding her red face

"Why tho.....Oh" Leo looked confused for few seconds before he looked down at his naked body and figured out why she ran like that

He shook his head and wore the clothes before asking someone to guide him

Leo walked until he reached a large door. He already had a idea where this was going and his doubts were proven right when the guard opened the door revealing a large hall built like Western style royal halls

"A real royalty.....this is new" he muttered silently while walking towards the center

"Greetings your majesty, my name is Nicholas Flame, a pleasure to meet you" he did a martial art greeting getting weird looks from everyone

"Is that how you greet the king!?!?" one of the audience yelled from the group

"In my world we do" Leo replied while lying through his teeth about his name and the greeting

He just wanted to mess with everyone and besides, 'Who the hell is gonna know the martial greeting?' he thought and laughed internally while keeping a calm face outside

"Welcome Mr.Flame I suppose you've enjoyed your stay here ?" the king smiled while glancing at his daughter from the corner of his eyes implying he knew about this mornings commotion

"Yes, I did. It would be rude to ask this but, may I ask something?" he ignored the hidden meaning

"Go ahead"

"I may sound ungrateful but....why am I here ?"

The king looked at Kyro who nodded and emptied the hall with only the royal family and generals present

"You see we received a message about a certain someone killing the commander..." Kyro spoke while displaying the footage of him fighting that lightning chick "And the other party hasn't taken the news lightly ....." Kyro eyes Leo who was going through the flashbacks of the recent fight

"And we....are losing this war. The only thing that's standing between your world and them is us, so let's help each other" Kyro turned the screen off and went back to his place.

"Your world....." The king stated gathering attention of everyone "Has something that will destroy both our worlds....so will you help us?"

"Is that even a question?" He tried joking but only got blank looks from everyone

"Yes, I will help and besides..." his turned serious ".....I have a wolf to avenge" he muttered the last part with a dark face

Leo suddenly remembered something "But we need to hurry.....That Ifrit guy is going after my family and no one is there to protect them"

"About that..." The lady with blue eyes spoke "You don't have to worry.....the gates open up every few centuries so they are safe"

"Wait....doesn't that mean my family will be dead by the time I go back ?"

"Time flows differently in every realm, who knows, it might have even stopped for them " Kyro reassured him making Leo sighed in relief.

And just like that, he joined in the war while making a promise to avenge Nira at all costs


Time flowed like water and many years passed since Leo was stuck in that dimension

He met with many peop- Elementals during that time.

The lady which scared him the first time- Syl,

a flaming bird which was capable of taking a humanoid form- Agni,

Hali- The humanoid water who had no clear face

Kyro- the ice man

And various others

First they started by reading nearest outposts, rescued the prisoners, freed the slaves and fought against the alien army

During his stay he killed many enemy Elementals on the level of commander earning him praises from everyone.

Although he fought many times, for some weird reasons he never used his powers and always used physical strength. When asked why he just said something along the lines of 'It will be too easy'.

Of course that earned him deadpan looks from the curious Rena who just decided to play random pranks on him and that....was the trigger.

You see love....is quite a simple thing. Spend some time with someone, being there for them during some difficult times, helping each other and voilá.... love

Pranks turned into small fights which ended with both of them on top of each other or just few inches away from each others lips. Ofcourse having a teenage body full of raging hormones with Rena never being the shy type didn't help and before long, they both ended up together

Nadia was happy and sad at the same time cause she too had fallen for him. Luckily polygamy existed in this world and the King was more than happy to marry his daughters to Leo

He had enough merit to be given a title. The war had stopped for few years now so they had a peaceful time to spend

Few decades later he was married to both Rena and Nadia and had children. He was happy with his life so far as every day was a blessing with the little devils running around giving a headache to the servants. He spent his time teaching random things to his kids, playing chess with his father-in-law, cooking for his wives cause Rena just blew everything to hell and Nadia was somehow able to make the most poisonous dish that ever existed each time.....

Life was good until the news came, the rifts had opened up again with the enemy empire on it's way towards it

Having no choice he left after saying goodbye to his wives and kids.....that may have been a mistake

When he reached the said rift all he found was the empty forest and a note attached to a tree which read(red) 'I told you....I would kill your family'

Leo's eyes widen and he hurriedly went back only to find the castle in ruins and the entire court killed

As much as he would like to grive the king, he needs to find his family so he searched for them.....until he found Rena some distance away from the destruction

Her body was a mess with her left arm missing and had a large cut from her left shoulder all the way to the waist

Leo hurriedly ran towards her and held her close while whispering "please hold on" softly on repeat trying to heal her

"Mura...." she muttered his name making him pause ".....Save our children" she whispered in his ears while tears left her eyes. She knew she was going to die and used her last bit of strength to hold his face

"..Please...just hold on.....even if it's for a second...." he just pleaded while holding her "....It's alright love....I'll meet you ...on the other side" Rena smiled at the end and died in his arms

He just sat there in daze.... lost and heartbroken with everything burning around him

He got up slowly and looked at his hand that held a small gem "I'll save them.....even if it's the last thing I do"

He made a vow to himself and headed for the enemy empire but when he did reach the border he saw something made him hold his breath

On the wall a head,torso,legs and arms each impaled on a spear...his steps staggered while his fist tightened enough to draw blood and his eyes were filled with boundless rage

"Nadia..." he spoke while slowly making his way towards the wall and removed her head from the spear "I'm sorry for being late" he whispered softly while touching her head with his as blood fell from the corner of his eyes

He looked at her half burned face

"Death will be a mercy for what I'm about to do to him" he gently put the head down before turning towards the wall

"Kyokushin Karate 1st stance..... " he muttered and took a basic square stance as air started gathering around his fist to point where the ground started vibrating. He gathered it till the limit and .....

"....Basaltic Fist " punched



A whip like sound echoed in air before a loud impact spread with him at the center of it

Everything in front of him was destroyed and the only thing remaning were ruins

"IFRIIIITTTTTT!!!!" He roared making the ground crack

"Enjoyed the gift?" Ifrit walked turning the ground around him to lava while mocking him "If only you had found her sooner, I enjoyed peeling her skin while burning that pretty face" Ifrit stopped few meters away from Leo who was still looking at the ground "Where are my kids?" He asked calmly a little too calmly

"Dead" Ifrit threw some heads at his feet

Silence spread between them as air got heavier with each passing moment when....

*Pfft* "Haha....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Leo bursts out laughing while weezing hard confusing Ifrit and everyone else

"Haaaa" he let out a long breath to calm himself

"This.... is my future? " He muttered while meeting Ifrits eyes who stepped back in fear

Leo's eyes were spinning in a kaleidoscopic pattern as he stopped laughing and stared at the readers

(The camera slowly zooms in on his eyes. It zooms in closer closer as various scenes are shown in Leo's eyes. The screen shows everything that happened till this point in first person perspective. As if someone playing the video in reverse it played various scenes in rewind, from Rena dying, to playing with kids, to everyday life, fighting, to him meeting the king for the first time. It moved till the point where Ifrit was holding his arm in front of him gathering fire energy. The camera slowly zoomed out to Leo with same reflection in his eyes staring at Ifrit. It zoomed out to that moment where he muttered.....)

"...Finally..." Leo muttered with his eyes slightly open



Ifrit was about to attack when he suddenly felt something and turned his arm to the left and fired at the robed figure who just caught his attack and dispersed it

"Nadia...." he muttered while releasing his aura turning the ground to lava

"Ifrit" she greeted back and was about to fight when


Air started vibrating as a pressure decended on both of them.

They both looked at the battered Leo

They both watched as Leo's body was being pulled up by something like a puppet with strings and healing at a incredible speed


His arm twisted at a impossible angle before it popped right back in its place

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

His entire body twisted and cracked in various places as bones were put together back in their place


Finally with a last crack he got up and stretched a little while walking towards the dead Nira

"Oy, stop playing dead and get up" he smacked her head lightly as Nira opened her eyes and got up

"Wauoof" she complained like a husky acting all grumpy

"Yeah yeah we'll play later but first.... " he got up and glanced at Ifrit and Nadia who were staring at this dumbfounded

"Renewal..." he muttered and vanished from his place



Two sound echoed with first being the shockwave left behind by his quick movement and second.....Ifrits head bursting like a balloon

"....Baekdu" He completed while stepping on the ground when Ifrit's body fell back

Nadia stiffly turned her head towards the sound only to see Leo grinning just few inches away from her face staring directly in her eyes

"Now what should I do with you?"


*Unknown POV*

"Hahahahahahahahaha" a unknown being laughed, banging his fist on the ground while his friend was staring at the scene in front of him

"What the heck?" a baldie said in utter disbelief while staring at the scene displaying the destroyed empire slowly dissapearing into darkness

"Ahhhahahaaaa .....Phew....I knew it was gonna be a blast when he that guy killed the wolf" he patted the baldie on his shoulders before watching the scene with him

"Did he just watch and change the entire timeline ?" the baldie asked while slapping his hand away

"Yes" the man stopped laughing and watched the timeline being erased and turning back to on single point where a new branch emerged


"Precognition and Consecutiokinesis "


".....You know the powers Phoenix has but never uses cause she's lazy?"

"No, I mean I know those powers but how did that turn into this"

*Points at the new branch emerging where the old one dissapeared*

"Hmm....Good question. You see this *Draws straight line* Is the base timeline which follows a specific script, now the moment something happens like someone not drinking the coffee that they were supposed to according to the script....it splits into a different branch *draws another line like a branch* .....Now this is the home universe but what about another dimension which is beyond space and time of that said universe ?"

"They have no script ?"

"Bingo! They have no script cause they don't have a specific timeline to follow. Everything that happens is pure chaos with no predetermined path to follow, no fate to guide someone and no future visions"

The baldie nodded before something clicked in his mind "Wait a minute.....you said they had no script....then what the hell did we just watch ?"

"Oh that...That was on me. I created a timeline where those events were supposed to happen but that backfired when he saw that with Precognition. You see this is timeline of this dimension *points at the line* now without any unknown variable this would've flowed in the same direction , the one we saw, but he killed Ifrit....*Erases the future version line* He used Consecutiokinesis to change the outcome and erased the script, returning everything to it's natural path that is chaos where everything that happens is counted as the original with no future or any branches just continued flow and you just watched the effect of deleting the scrip when Nadia dispersed the fire ball instead of deflecting it"

"So he basically broke the plot ?"

"....Why do you know that word?"


"How many Mangas have you made me read forcefully?" He just deadpaned at the man who looked away

"Fair point.....so you wanna watch him or check someone else ?"

"Hmm...let's go somewhere else, I have a feeling something big is going to happen"


AN:- Wahahahahahaha Mindfuckery at it's finest .....or not.....Anyways, apologies for the delay cause the app decided to yeet all the pre-written chaps I had lined up and I didn't even have any backups so had to write everything from the start. I may or may not have changed some things but if it works it works.....new chaps soon in few days....2 days max