Saved by Instincts



Leo once again slashed his sword and launched several 10 meters huge ice dragons towards Sorin

He narrowed his eyes and punched the air few times launching fireballs with each punch


Fire and ice canceled each other out which resulted in a explosion of mist before it evaporates

Leo looked dumbfounded at that and thought 'What are you? Zuko?' and launched another attack

They did the same thing few times before they stopped and thought the same thing

'Ranged attacks won't work'

With a grin Leo launched himself at Sorin who had his focus somewhere else

'So, it's the sword?'

He saw the slash in slow-mo as dragons always formed from it

Leo attacked for the nth time and this time his attack connected and he managed to cut Sorin's wrist

Sorin silently stared at his wrist where ice started forming before turning into dragons that pounced on him


It boiled before vanishing away

He then calmly regrew his wrist 'So it's really that sword'

Sorin just waves his hand and a giant fire wave (Imagine a solar flare) that made it's way towards Leo who quickly raised a ice wall and blocked it

'If I can break it, I can win....but how is he not freezing?'

During their fight the surrounding temperature was fluctuating between -3000°C & 30000°C

[ p.s. Their battle is contained by other surrounding Kings, that's the reason why it's not affecting the planet or the planet would've been long gone and also the reason why no one has made the planet their domain cause they restrict each other by canceling other King's domains]

If it was an elemental it would've been fine as they are practically made from it so they can control it without damaging their bodies. Like fire elementals are made of fire so no matter how nlhot the temperature gets, it won't affect them.

But Leo is human, limited by his body. There's only so much their body could handle before breaking down. It shouldn't be possible with their physiology

So it was fascinating to see him do what he did. This was also the reason the alien scientist wanted Leo's body. At first they had witnessed him fight Kiri, they were already intrigued by that and second was when he killed Ifrit with ease. Leo was probably the best specimen they could ask for plus he could also solve their problem of breaking dimension chains.....For plot reasons I won't explain what that is....maybe later as a side chap

As the battle went on Sorin started to noticing few things

First:- There was a thin almost invisible layer of energy covering Leo's entire body, which became visible when he launched any attack

Second:- It seems his power came from his sword

Third:- The protective film was probably powered by it

So for him to win he had get rid of both things

'Let's end this'

Sorin concentrates all fire energy at his heels and before anyone could react

*Zoop!* (or any explosion sound effect from Fire Force for dramatic purposes)


Leo who was smiling got stunned by his speed and reflectively tried to defend with his sword


He stopped what he thought but Sorin was already prepared for that exact moment

He created a compressed explosion and sent it through his fist and it broke



His fist connected and Leo got blasted by the explosion and crashed through several ice mountains he created to stop his momentum

"Ow?" He got out from the crater and looked at the blade which had snapped in two

"Well... *Cracks his knuckles* Let's do this the old fashioned wa-?" *Boom!*

But sadly Sorin was done playing

The moment Leo stopped, he was already in front of him and with a miniature sun right in front of his face




Sorin just launched several fire blasts while floating in air.....perhaps a few too many (Imagine someone from DBz launching several energy blast....same stuff)


The commander group was just dumbfounded as they watched Sorin completely burn the entire forest down including Leo's ice domain

Everyone:- °_°'

"That's kind of....."

"I don't know why but that just feels wrong doesn't it?"

They continued watching Sorin blast everything to bits for few minutes before he stopped and floated down to the lava crater

He watched as a hand emerged from it, freezing everything again and Leo crawled out like some horror movie demon. As soon as he did, the temperature dropped to the point where it even froze Sorin's domain

His entire body was covered with a thin white sheet that was cracked all over and on verge of breaking, all Sorin needed to do was a little tap to break it

"Is surrender an option?" *Bang!*

He joked only to get a punch straight to his face

"*Cough* Apparently not"

Leo coughed out and noticed a gap in his armor (energy shield/ice shield) and laughed

Sorin narrowed his eyes and asked "Why are you laughing?"

"Haha....I wonder, what will happen if you fail to bring my body back?" Leo just flashed a mocking grin before his shield boke and his body started freezing

The moment he saw that he got his answer 'So that's the reason why he wasn't freezing? Wait... !'

Sorin's eyes widened as he hurridely tried to stop the freezing but he was late

"Aren't you afraid of death ?!" He panicked watching Leo's body turn into solid ice only his face visible

"Oh why should I? I already died once, atleast I'm going by my own choice this time Hahaha..." he laughed before completely turning into a ice statue

The mission was to bring his body back for finding answers, him being dead or alive was optional so he wasn't really worried of Leo dying but....

'Atleast it's intac-*Crack*

....this is what he was worried about. The statue broke down into pieces before turning dust while Sorin just stood there with a stunned face. He knew Leo would do something like this when he spat that teeth out and turned it to mist. Sorin had failed his mission and now he had deal with some angry freaks

*Sigh* 'At least his majesty won't blame me'

He sighed watching the drone decend in front of him

It created 2 holographic screens with Eartb Emperor in one and the alien scientist in another

[General Sorin]

"Your highness"


-The Commander Group-

"That's it ?"

Ava just looked at whole thing and said it as if disappointed about the ending

Everyone turned towards her with a blank face

Celis:- -_- "They just destroyed the only forest on this planet, what more do you want ?"

She just made a confusedface "I don't know, it just feels weird"

The group:- What?

Ava:- Isn't it weird how he didn't use any other powers and why didn't he use that fighting style or techniques?

Regis:- ....Now that you mentioned it....that does raise some questions

Cera:- Maybe he focused on one element to make it more powerful?

Ava:- Possible

Aqualon:- Or maybe he was just weak?

Ava:- •_• *Points at the frozen forest*

Aqualon:- ....I take that back

?:- Or maybe I wasn't even there ?

The group stopped talking after the unknown voice spoke

'....Who said that?'

They all slowly turned their head to the source of the voice

They saw a human child besides Ava watching everything with a smile. The scary part was that Ava didn't notice him and she was literally siting shoulder to shoulder with him

He turned his head and greets them with a "Yo~"

The group had a stunned face with the same thought

'Who the fuck are you?'

Meanwhile Cera was distracted by something else

'What is that cute little thing on his head ?'


-The now Frozen Sun Forest-

[The target?]


[And his body?]

Sorin just pointed at the ice particles

[You were supposed to bring his body back!!] The alien screamed angrily

[It could've solved so many questions about sprit calibration or how it managed to use that power but now, we have nothing!] It continued screaming and smashing everything around it


The alien stopped and looked at Sorin fearfully

"Don't forget you're in the presence of his majesty the Emperor"

[A-Apologies your highness, I lost my composure for a bit]

The Emperor said nothing and just gestured him to continue

[It may have possible to find some answers if we could even get a drop of DNA but now....]

"What if we had someone from his bloodline ?" Sorin suggested making the alien wave it's arm and pull up some old records

[It is possible....according to the records, their genetic traits are passed down so we can perhaps try that]

"Should we invade his world and get someone of his bloodline ?"

They both stop and wait for the emperor to decide the next step


-Back to the commander group-

Ava quickly jumped away or atleast tried to but she couldn't move

She glanced at the group who were standing there like statues without moving

"Just watch....the following choice of your ruler will decide the fate of this planet" he grinned when a small plam sized white figure appeared besides him and lightly slapped him


"Yeah yeah, I will restore that later " he sighed before grabbing it and putting it on his shoulders

"Let's see which option you'll choose Geno"


The Emperor looked like he thought for a while before answering



They all heard someone click their tongue when at the same time, the alien Krnx vanished from the screen


All Sorin saw was a blurr and it disappeared

"Your highness?" He looked at the Emperor who had slumped back on his throne with drops of sweat on his forehead

[Come back and erase everything about this mission] he sounded fearful and closed the link leaving Sorin confused


-Few seconds ago-

•Earth Emperor's Palace•

He listened to their suggestions and it seemed doable but just as he was about to give them the green signal

[Do it.....say yes]

He heard a sound from above, dripping with anticipation and a unfiltered hunger for destruction

Geno felt as if he was being stared down by a prehistoric monster ready to devour him whole

Never has Geno felt fear in his life the way he did now

Every part of his body was screaming 'Run!' but he couldn't so he did the obvious

"...No" he refused and his gamble paid off


He heard it click it's tongue in frustration before it vanished but that wasn't the only thing that did

Krnx had disappeared as well

"Haaaa" he released the pent up breath that he held unconsciously and slumped back to his throne

[Your highness?]

He looked ahead and saw Sorin's face "Come back and erase everything about this mission " And closed the link

{Why didn't you agree to their proposal, Son?}

Geno narrowed his eyes before speaking "My people's lives are more important then that silly project"

{But that was a chance for you to leave this place! Just capture someone from his world!}

"You know...."

He got up and raised his arm in a grabbing motion pulling a white creature from thin air

"You are no longer needed"


It struggled to get away but failed

"You're nothing but a parasite and I'm done letting you feed off me"

{B-But I'm you mother!!} It screeched


"My mother died when she have me this power the only reason why I even listened to your ideas until now was because they were crucial for our progress but now...."

Khaki colored aura started pouring from his hand covering the creature "....The moment your suggestions threatened our existence, you die"


It screamed before the aura teared it to bits.

Geno stared at it for few moments before a elemental came running in with a panicked face

"Your highness!"


"The Zorgs have gone missing!"

"....How many?"

"All of them"

Geno sat there with a stunned face before he nodded to the elemental who left after bowing down

He sighed and stared at the ceiling "Hopefully that was the end of it"

Luckily for him it was but sadly the same could not be said about someone else


•After Geno closed the link•

The commander group helplessly started as that kid's face went from happy to pisses within a second

"Motherf#### F#ck That little f#ck! !" The human child kicked the rock in frustration before stopping


Meanwhile the smol willow wisp thingy just danced around him as if teasing him


"You know you're lucky I have a soft spot for kids" he said with a blank face before looking at the frozen group

"Oh right, almost forgot about you guys"

He snapped his fingers and released the group from invisible bindings

They all fell down in unison and glared at him before Cera caught the wisp thingy

"What is this cute little thing !?" She asked in a excited tone making his and Ava's eye twitch at her behavior

"That's your world" he just points in a happy tone as it screamed for help

"Who the heck are you kid?" Regis asked while catching his breath

"Me? *points at himself* Well.... I am God....for now" he just shrugged casually leaving them more confused than before
