The Commander's Bride

Kyren sat Anna on the chair after the bath, wrapped her in a towel and wiped her body.

"Wait here," he said as he turned around and reached for the robe, covering his n*ked body.

Then, he took the jar of ointment and started applying the salve to her wounds and bruises. He was careful enough when handling her as if she was a delicate mannequin that could easily break. His calloused fingers felt rough to her skin, but his touch was gentle.

Kyren went to the trunk and fumbled his hand inside, searching for the clothes that fit his wife. Finally, he took out a white tunic and a pair of pants.

"I have no woman's dress here. So wear mine for now. I'll get you something better," he said as he dressed her.

"I can do this myself," Anna said, still feeling shy even after spending time with him n*kedly in the bathtub.

However, she closed her lips when the man clicked his tongue in disapproval. It would be best to remain docile for now.

The loose-fitting man's tunic was oversized and stretched to her knees. When Kyren picked up the pants, he glanced at the princess, who looked like a little girl wearing an adult outfit.

"I guess you won't be needing this. It's too baggy for you."

Kyren threw the pants aside. Then, he lifted her and took her to bed. His strong arms enveloping her body made her feel like a child being cradled. His stiff, hard muscles tightened when she held his shoulder to support herself.

Kyren took the chair and placed it beside the bed after laying his bride down. He took the porridge bowl on the table, sat on the chair and scooped the broth.

"Open up your mouth," he demanded.

His tone was like an officer giving an order to his subordinate. Anna's eyes stared at him, contemplating. He was so intimidating with his stern voice, but at the same time appeared caring and attentive.

She could not comprehend his demeanour.

Kyren slowly fed her with the porridge when her lips parted.

The broth was warm since it had been left to cool down during their bath. It was just at the right temperature. The taste of it was a bit bland, suiting a patient's meal.

Anna raised her hand, signalling she had had enough after several spoons.

"You're skinny. You need to eat more to recover," Kyren commented.

The sound of him was akin to a father admonishing a spoiled brat. The princess shook her head fervently.

"Water. I need some water."

The commander took the glass and carefully put the tip on her lips. Once she finished drinking, he put the glass away and wiped her mouth with a napkin. Then, he asked her to lie down and tucked her into the blanket.

"You need to rest. I'll call up the healer to check on you later."

Anna nodded at his remark. She was still sluggish from the incident and needed to recuperate.

"Where are you from?" after a moment of silence, Kyren asked.

"I came from the City of Constance, Ardel." The commander thought about the kingdom as he heard the name.

Ardel, a kingdom bordering Dracor and Barges in the south, was known for its extensive knowledge of medicine and treatment.

The fall of the Ro'an Empire, which happened about fifty years ago, had led the continent to split into several kingdoms; Cassian, Dracor, Galicia, Barges and Ardel.

Each nation's king struggled to rise in power, and Cassian, the one with the most robust foundation in military and weaponry, was the first to be established.

"How did this happen?" Kyren asked again.

"The slave traders caught me at the border of Ardel and Dracor. They brought me here. I heard them talking about an auction in Tarnova," she replied.

Her voice trembled when she told him of her story.

"How many of them?"

"Four, including the one who tried to violate me. They took me to a tavern near the forest."

"How did you get to the border?" he asked inquisitively.

Although he had never been to Ardel, Kyren knew the City of Constance, the kingdom's capital, was not close to the border of Dracor.

"I was running away from bad people."

"Bad people?" Kyren's fine brows creased as he stared intensely at her.

"There was a fire... and bad people... bad people..."

Anna's voice dwindled as her chest felt tight recalling the terrible memories. Her face was hot from the surging rush of blood as she fought to suppress her fear.

"We don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. Let's take it easy for now," Kyren decided when he saw the cloudy face of his bride.

He stood up and was about to move when he felt something pulling him. When he turned, he saw the little hand with an abrasion mark on the wrist holding the edge of his robe.

The princess's doe eyes glistened with worries.

"Where're you going?" Kyren could sense the anxiousness in her question.

"I'm going to put some clothes on, or do you prefer me in my robe the whole day?" He smirked at her antics.

Embarrassed, Anna let go of the robe.

The commander put on a pair of leather pants and a black tunic. His hair was combed neatly and swept to the back of his head, and he didn't put on any armour today. He appeared much more casual than his usual looks.

When he approached the bed, Anna was fast asleep. It was apparent that she was still exhausted and weak.

Kyren's dazzling blue eyes stared at her body lying comfortably on his bed. Her gaunt, innocent face touched his heart.

Strangely, he felt something over this woman. There was a very dramatic feeling of attachment and emotion that he could not explain happening for the first time in his life.

The Grand Duke of Gerhard was a prominent man adored by the fairer s*x for his raven black hair and pearly blue eyes. He was the talk of the town, and his name travelled the lips of the maidens who had dreamed of becoming his partner.

Seductions from the young ladies were not foreign to him, and he could get any of them if he wanted to. However, the first prince of Cassian remained staunched, like an iron wall that would not collapse until this unknown woman came along.

Kyren shook his head.

It could be just a fling since he had never tasted the pleasure of a woman's body. As a man, he could not deny that he enjoyed his first s*xual intercourse.

It was absurd, but he did anyway. He was steeped in guilt when the thought crossed his mind. She was in a horrible state when he took her into his arms and turned her into his woman.

For that, he swore that he would treat Anna, who had become his bride, better.


The big strides of the knight finally halted before Kyren, standing outside his tent.

"Yes, commander. You called?" The commander put his finger on his lips, gesturing for Eric to lower his coarse voice.

"She's asleep," Kyren told him.

"Is she all right?" asked the knight, this time in a whispering voice.

"She's fine, but scared like a rabbit," the commander answered briefly.

"Any woman would be terrified if put in her situation. For someone as frail as her, she fought strong," said the knight with a serious face.

Eric was one of the few who knew about the princess's incident.

"I need you to take over the daily briefings and all meetings for now," ordered the commander.

"Why?" Eric was surprised. It was a request that the prince had never made before.

"Anna's not well. She needs me," replied Kyren.

"Ah, yes! I forgot that you have a new responsibility now." The knight smiled while scratching the back of his head.

"I'll lead again after she recovers," the commander continued calmly.

"Right! Will do. So, what's your plan now?" the knight nodded and then asked.

His eyes shone with excitement.

"What plan?"

"Your new wife, of course!" expressed Eric.

"I'll send her back to the castle," said Kyren.

"Really? Can she travel? It's a bit far away. With her condition like that, I don't think she's fit to move in a long distance," commented Eric.

"I'll wait until she gets better."

"Would it be better if she stays instead? It won't be long until His Majesty announces the rest interval," suggested the knight.

"She can't stay here. This place is not suitable for a woman," countered Kyren.

"It won't cause any harm if she stays in your tent. Trust me! No one will covet your woman. Not if they really have a death wish," Eric threw a sarcastic joke with a smirk.

"Plus, you need to get to know each other too," the knight went on.

"Is that really necessary?" Kyren looked at Eric with a stern face.

"Of course, it is! She's your wife!" urged the knight. The commander pursed his lips with a brooding face.

The knight sighed and said, "Ask her then. I bet she'll say no."

"What makes you think she'll disagree? As if you already know her," he asked, taking the knight's sigh as disapproval of his pure intention.

"Oh, just a hunch. She's a lady in distress, and you're her prince charming, the saviour of her life," Eric let out a small laugh.

"Fine! I'll ask her. Now get me Noah. I've got a task for him," said the commander in his grumpy voice.

Eric's cheerful face turned serious upon hearing the name.

From the look of it, he didn't go along with the knight named Noah. Nevertheless, it was his duty to obey his leader's orders. The knight bowed and immediately left.