A Knight's Wife Resolve

The morning felt slightly colder than usual. Anna's hand began to fumble, seeking the warm, firm body always there for her. However, her little palm could only feel the softness of the sheets.

The princess slowly opened her sleepy eyes and rubbed them. As she regained consciousness, she saw the space by her side.

She turned left and right and even looked around, but the figure she was looking for had yet to come into her sight. The scent of musk and leather that usually lingered had faded away.

'Where is he?' she pondered to herself.

This was the first time it happened.

Anna was accustomed to having Kyren by her side since marriage. The fearsome and stern-looking commander feared by all was none other than a thoughtful husband to her.

He cared for her when she was bedridden, and when she got a little better, he kept her company and never left her alone. However, this morning was different.

Anna rose and sat on the bed, looking at the tent flap, hoping that Kyren would appear. She waited. But time cruelly passed, and the tent flap was still shut.

The princess's heart began to shake.

Did something happen?

She gazed again throughout the inner space of the tent as she wondered. Suddenly, something caught in her emerald eyes. The armour stand and the sword rack were empty.

At that moment, the realisation hit her.

Anna hastily got up from bed, washed her face, and rinsed her mouth with water from the small basin on the side table. She changed her dress quickly and rushed out through the tent flap.

As she stepped out, she saw two guards who weren't there before standing guarding the place. The two men bowed to her immediately.

"Who are you?" she asked them curiously.

The two men, unknown to her, made her feel a little nervous.

"My lady, we're your guards. Starting today, we will be assisting you. If you need anything, please let us know," one of the guards replied.

Anna was surprised by the answer.

"Under whose order?" she asked inquisitively.

"The commander himself," he answered.

"The commander... Where is he now?" Anna's face frowned with worries.

"He and some of the knights have left for duty."

The princess's head immediately bowed, and her shoulders drooped. The thought that crossed her mind when she saw the empty armour stand and sword rack was right.

She felt an instant surge of downheartedness at the guard's words. The gloominess enveloped her like dark clouds inviting the rain of sorrow. However, the princess steadfastly held the shaken feeling.

'No! Don't cry, Anna! He'll come back for you!' her inner thoughts shouted, lifting her spirit.

She tried to calm herself and shook off the hostile atmosphere.

"My lady, are you all right?" the guard asked as he noticed Anna's face changing.

"I'm... I'm fine," she stammered as her drifting mind snapped back to reality.

If she were her usual self, she would have cried by now. However, she realised she was no longer the little princess who once lived in solitude.

Anna was now a Knight Commander's wife. She should not simply shed tears, not before her husband's subordinate, at least. She should be proud of having a husband who served his duty at the frontier, protecting the kingdom from the enemy and securing the people's safety.

The princess buckled her feet and clenched her fists to regain her inner strength. This was the beginning of her new life. She should start learning to endure the challenges a knight's wife faces with fortitude.

As Kyren once said, he would not always be there for her. So, for him, she should be more resilient and independent. For him, she should change.

"Did he say anything before he left?" Anna asked the guard after a moment.

"He asked you to wait for him."

The sentences fluttered through her heart. It was as if hearing him saying them himself. Even without a goodbye, Kyren did not forget about her.

His words only meant one thing; he would return to her soon.


The summer breeze blew inside from the wide opening of the tent, giving a pleasant, gentle coolness. The tent flap was pulled and knotted aside to allow access and vision to the outside.

Anna stared absent-mindedly at the front porch of the tent, the back of her hands propping her chin with her elbows on the table as she sat down facing the opening.

The large tent felt empty without Kyren. His stern voice would usually resonate in it, ordering her to eat and drink more or forcing her to swallow the bitter medicine.

His words were sometimes sarcastic and a little harsh, but not his actions. He had always acted gently towards her, no matter how tense-looking he was. It had only been for a few hours, but the princess had already missed her husband, who gave her the attention she so desperately craved in her life.

Anna's eyes were suddenly drawn to a man in a white robe walking on the path to the tent. Just as her vision became more precise, the sparkles in her eyes quickly faded.

The figure was none other than Ayden, the assistant healer. The excitement that rushed momentarily was like a wave breaking on the beach. It came fast and hopeful but shattered to the ground swiftly and receded to the ocean.

Anna saw the assistant healer talk to the guards. He must have come for her treatment session. Then, one of them came over and requested permission for Ayden to enter. The assistant healer was escorted to the tent when the princess granted the request.

"Is this really necessary?" asked Ayden with an annoyed expression to the guards as both stood still at his side as if he was a dangerous person who would harm the commander's wife.

Noticing his restlessness, one of the guards remarked, "Forgive us, Mr Norman. But it was the commander's order. However, we will not hinder your task in any way."

Anna was not bothered by the presence of the two guards. It was not new to her.

Since becoming the sole heir to the throne of Ardel, her movements have been often monitored, and her escorts always accompany her. She remembered how Clara would tail her wherever she went.

Unheeding the guards, Anna looked at Ayden and asked, "You're alone today, Ayden. Where is Rafe?"

As the healer and his assistant insisted, she now called them by their first names. They would come by each day to check her condition and prepare medicine for her.

"He had left together with the commander early before dawn. There was an emergency," Ayden told Anna.

Finally, she received some news regarding Kyren's departure. She had previously asked the guards, but they had no idea.

"What was the emergency?" Anna's eyes shone with eagerness to know.

"I heard some traffickers and robbers who were caught beforehand had escaped to the border of Dracor," he replied.

"Really? Is it dangerous?" The princess asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure. Usually, the knights can handle this case without requiring the commander. But, since it involves the border of another kingdom, his presence is necessary," he added.

"I see... No wonder."

Anna nodded a few times, making Ayden a bit curious.

"You understand the situation?" he asked wonderingly.

"Yes, I do. They would be considered a national threat to Dracor as they were armed. So, a political representative is required for negotiations. Else, it could lead to warfare."

The princess's reply surprised Ayden, who thought she was a commoner. Even the guards widened their eyes.

A detailed explanation of a kingdom's security matters was a specific topic known only to the ruler and those who served in the army. It was rare for someone not from these backgrounds to have such knowledge.

"How did you know about this, my lady? Did the commander tell you?" his question fell out of curiosity.

"Oh, no. I learned about it from a book. I read many books since I was young," she responded.

Anna was a frail princess who couldn't go outside Ardel castle at will.

Filling her days from childhood until adulthood, she would spend much of her time at the royal library. When she became the throne heir, her counsellors and teachers made her read more books related to politics, administration and the military.

Ayden acknowledged the response with a little nod. Somehow, he became interested to know about the commander's wife. At Rafe's advice, he and Kyren had yet to ask about her identity so as not to resurface the trauma she had.

"I guess Ardelians are not only advanced in medicine and treatment but also intelligent in other fields too."

A smile etched on Ayden's lips as the praise was let out.

"Thank you for your compliment," Anna replied, sounding pleased.

The princess's eyes then darted outside, thinking about Kyren.

A small sigh escaped her lips.

"I hope he comes back safely soon," she said worriedly.

"The commander will be fine. You do not need to worry about him. He has handled border issues many times," Ayden proudly answered.

She nodded to his statement.

The princess knew her husband was a gallant man. Even at a glance, one can tell that he was a prominent figure with his stout stature and extraordinary aura.

"Now, would you allow me to check on your condition? Mr Amares has requested that I take over your treatment in his absence," the assistant healer continued.

"Yes, please."

"Gentlemen, please turn around," Ayden instructed the guards escorting him.

Both of them obeyed his request without complaint.

"Ayden, can I make a request?" Anna suddenly asked.

Her bruised face, which was now healing, glowed as she uttered the question.

"What is it, my lady?"

"Perhaps, could you be my teacher?" she asked.

Ayden eyes widened, and his mouth opened.

"Teacher? To teach you on what?" he cluelessly asked.

"I don't know. Anything beneficial, I guess. You see, I'm new here and don't know much," she replied with hopeful eyes.

"But, you are not well. You're still recuperating," answered the assistant healer.

"I know. I was hoping I could learn something to improve myself once I recovered. I promised Kyren that I wouldn't be a burden to him," she added.

"I understand. Let's get you better first. Then we can start learning something new," he suggested.

Seeing her vivid determination, Ayden accepted her request. Anna's eyes beamed with happiness.