The Precious Lady

Rafe yawned for the third time. His eyes were sore, and his eyelids kept pulling down despite his attempts to stay awake. His head began to tilt lazily to Ayden, who sat beside him and shared the same expression.

"God, I want to sleep..." he complained tiredly, resting his head on his assistant's droopy shoulder.

"Mr Amares, don't lean on me. I'm tired too!" Ayden pushed his head away. The assistant healer's eyes had turned hollow as he had been sleep-deprived. His lips curled into a wearied sneer as he turned to the healer.

Eric shook his head and looked at the two men complaining of insufficient sleep.

"Weak!" he snarled at them as he crossed his arms on his broad chest. Unlike those two, Eric appeared wide awake and still looking dashing. A few sleepless nights did not affect his strength.

"Hey... we're healers! Not knights like you!" Rafe retorted with a sour face.