A Pervert

"Is this the right way? Oh, I'm so bad at the direction," Emily muttered to herself as she navigated the path to locate the nearby stream, carrying a kettle in one hand and a torch in the other.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of running water, which indicated that she was on the right track.

Emily placed the torch on the ground and proceeded to the bank of the stream to collect water in her kettle.

While filling it up, she spotted a cluster of edible mushrooms on the other side of the stream bank and couldn't resist the temptation. She lifted her skirt and carefully made her way across the stream, leaving the kettle, which was almost full, on the side.

With a broad smile, the young woman approached the bountiful edible mushrooms and marvelled at their abundance. She ingeniously fashioned a makeshift basket by tying up the hem of her skirt and cheerfully collected the mushrooms.