[Bonus chapter] An Impatient Fisherman

Anna's health gradually improved as she spent more time with the group, finding solace in their company. Kyren's unwavering support was a constant source of comfort to her, and each morning, he would take her for a walk on the deck.

As they took the fresh air, the ship's crew who met them would bow in respect to the couple, addressing her as 'the lady' and no longer 'the Imperial Highness'.

Anna found herself looking forward to these walks as the calm atmosphere invigorated her senses. As they joined the rest of the entourage for meals, she felt her face growing rosier and more energetic each day.

The knights were a boisterous bunch, always joking and teasing each other, and she found herself laughing along with them. Now, she could eat properly, and her appetite returned with a vengeance.