Master Of The Seven Seas

Anna's heart was racing as she crouched under the bed. Her breaths came in short, nervous gasps as she waited. She could hear the loud banging and clashing of metal from a distance as the men engaged in a fierce battle with the pirates.

The frantic knocking and thumping of feet colliding with the wooden floors echoed through the ship, accompanied by the occasional shout or cry of pain.

Anna knew that Kyren, the knights, and the rest of the crews were locked in a life-and-death struggle, and her fear for their lives and safety was almost overpowering.

The minutes ticked by like hours. But all she could do was now wait, her hand gripping the dirk given to her by Kyren with shivers as her eyes darted around the dark room, wide and awake.

Anna could feel the cold metal of the dirk digging into her palm as tension rose from the danger that lay outside. Her mind raced with various thoughts of what would happen next.