The Arrival Of The Mansion's Lady

Alex nodded with a humble demeanour. 

"Yes, my lady. My father is Duke Benjamin Oberon Jarr of the Sanad Dukedom, situated east of Cassian. It is considerably smaller than the illustrious Grand Duchy of Gerhard," he explained, providing a glimpse into his noble lineage.

Anna's surprise lingered as she processed the newfound knowledge. "This truly surprises me. I was aware of Sir Navin's status as the son of a baron, but your noble heritage surpasses even his," she remarked. 

"Within the Knighthood of Gerhard, nobility holds little significance. It is the strength and skill of a knight that truly matters. Performance and merit determine one's rank. Take Sir Garin Skyler, for instance. Despite being a commoner, he holds the esteemed position of the third-in-command knight within the knighthood," Rafe explained, emphasising a different perspective.

Meredith eagerly chimed in, further supporting the healer's point.