[Bonus chapter] Who We Are

The man before her looked back, his expression unreadable, silently contemplating his response.

Seeing the princess's bewildered expression, Rafe found himself at a loss for words, mirroring her confusion. The situation was awkward, leaving an uncomfortable silence.

After a moment, Kyren opened his mouth to speak. 

"Anna...," he began, his voice filled with regret.

"Why? Why did you keep this from me?" Anna's voice cut off his words with a mix of hurt and frustration, her eyes searching for answers that seemed to elude her.

The princess turned to Rafe, her tone accusatory. "And why didn't you tell me, Rafe? I thought we were friends!" Her gaze bore into him, demanding an explanation.

The healer, overwhelmed by guilt, struggled to find the right words. He met Anna's gaze briefly before lowering his eyes, weighed down by his silence.

Kyren, sensing the tension in the room, finally broke the silence, his voice filled with remorse.