Brothers' Confrontation

"What is it, Charles?" King Kyden inquired as the chamberlain entered his private library, having been granted permission to do so.

Charles's countenance was marked with concern as he hurriedly approached the king and the grand duke, bowing respectfully.

"I beg your pardon for interrupting your private moment with His Highness, but there is an urgent matter that demands your immediate attention," the chamberlain relayed cautiously.

"And what might that be?" the king inquired, sensing the urgency in Charles's demeanour.

The chamberlain hesitated for a moment, his anxiety palpable.

"Lord James and the nobles have gathered at the throne hall, demanding an immediate audience with you. It pertains to a matter concerning the wife of His Highness," the chamberlain reported, his voice filled with urgency.

"What about my wife?" Kyren interjected, unable to contain his curiosity upon hearing that the topic was related to him.