A Remarkable Success

Growing increasingly impatient, Lord James addressed the scholar with urgency. 

"What is it, Lord Anson? Did she miswrite it or fail to complete the challenge?" he inquired.

The chief scholar vigorously shook his head in response. 

"No, quite the contrary!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "I have never witnessed such an extraordinary essay in all my years. The quality of her writing and the usage of terminology are on par with the magnificent prose of His Imperial Majesty!"

Unable to believe what he heard, Lord James approached Lord Anson and snatched the parchment from his hands. As his eyes scanned the words upon it, they trembled with disbelief. However, despite his efforts, he could not comprehend any intricate markings adorned the page.

In search of further confirmation, Lord James turned to Lord Anson, seeking reassurance. 

"Are you absolutely certain about this?" he asked, his voice laced with scepticism.