Pursuing The Khasif

"Callis, how are you feeling today?" Kiev inquired with concern.

The weather appeared pleasant, though a chilly breeze hinted at the approaching mid-autumn season. Their journey to Gantz was delayed as Kiev noticed his sister's weakened state. Her condition resulted from mana depletion, a consequence of her recent use of the earth-bound search magic.

After several days of rest, the princess had shown significant improvement. Her once pallid complexion had regained its rosy hue, enhancing her natural beauty.

"Yes, brother, I am feeling much better. I believe we can resume our journey today," Callis replied, her voice filled with newfound strength. "Have you checked on the princess's location today? Is she still in the west?"

Kiev nodded in response. 

"Yes, she remains there. It appears she has not moved from her previous position," he confirmed, his tone tinged with curiosity.