Her Clarification And His Plan

Eric's initial expression of hope and anticipation morphed into a profound disappointment as Anna concluded her explanation. The grand duke, seated beside her, mirrored the knight's darkened countenance, his disapproval evident in every crease of his furrowed brow.

Within the confines of the private discussion room, a heavy silence settled, punctuated only by the collective dissatisfaction that hung in the air. The weight of their discontent bore down upon them all. Yet, despite the shared opinion, the decision had already been made, and the scheduled proclamation could not be retracted.

The news had spread throughout the city of Gantz, thanks to the town crier's announcement. It had captured the attention of the city's inhabitants, leaving them with a mix of curiosity and profound surprise as there had never been a concubine in Cassian history.

"My lady... I am at a loss for words," Drystan interjected, his voice tinged with a sense of helplessness.