The Awakened Knightess

As Clara slowly fluttered her eyelids, the darkness that had clouded her sight dissipated, replaced by the gentle glow of light. It took her a while to fully open her eyes and gather her thoughts, her gaze darting around the unfamiliar room. 

A sharp ache surged through her leg, causing her to grunt in pain. Determinedly, she lifted her upper body and tugged at the blanket, exposing her right leg, swathed in tightly wrapped bandages.

In response to her discomfort, a man with a slender figure, long black hair, and captivating black orb eyes emerged from behind a screen, drawn by the sound of her struggle. A warm, reassuring smile adorned his lips as he spotted Clara, now sitting upright on the bed.

"You're awake!" Ayden exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement and relief.

Confusion etched itself onto the knightess's features as she took in the presence of this unknown man.