Protecting Their Beloved Lady

The Knights of Gerhard gathered at the palace's main gate, their urgency and determination evident. It didn't take long for Eric and Eli to join the group, further bolstering their ranks.

"Hurry up! We need to get inside now!" Noah shouted impatiently, directing towards the two knights.

However, Eric moved forward, assuming his position as the second-in-command knight. 

"Wait! I'll lead us all," he declared firmly. "We can't simply rush in without thinking, as we don't know the current situation inside the palace."

Noah's worry for their lady's safety overshadowed any notions of caution. He raised his voice, frustration and urgency colouring his words. "Our lady could be in danger! I don't have time for planning or slow-motion actions!"

"I am the second-in-command knight! If you want to enter the palace with us, you must follow the command chain and respect authority!" Eric emphasised to him the importance of following proper protocols.