An Unexpected Furry Friend

All eyes turned toward the sound, anticipating its origin. Before they knew it, a playful puppy burst into the room, barking excitedly. As soon as the small dog caught sight of Anna, it dashed towards her, wagging its tail excitedly and barking with joy at the unexpected encounter. 

Elis arrived at the door. Holding the frame of the door, she panted to catch her breath from her frantic attempt to catch the dog. She had spotted the puppy running towards the small garden nearby and had rushed over to intercept it.

All the servants in the mansion were made known that the grand duke disliked pets. The only animal he showed any favour towards was his own warhorse, Maximillian.

The princess picked up the puppy, barking at her feet. Seeing this, Elis quickly approached Anna. 

"I'm sorry, but you must hand me the dog, please," she pleaded. "I need to get it out of here before Mr. Foster finds out."

"Why?" asked Anna, confused.