The Bargesians' Intrigue

The entourage continued their journey, descending the hill and cantering along the isolated road. They had already left behind the outskirts of the City of Gantz. The crisp autumn breeze brushed against their faces, a reminder of the changing season.

Brone, the leader of the Bargesian group, exchanged a secret signal with Mikhal, prompting the latter to come closer. His suspicions had been confirmed—they had been under discreet surveillance by two men since they departed from Cassian's palace. It was evident that these individuals were spies, covertly trailing their movements.

"They're still following us," Mikhal reported, his gaze fixed ahead.

Following Brone's instructions, they had chosen to feign ignorance of the spies' presence. The entourage carried on with their journey, displaying no signs of suspicion and maintaining a leisurely pace.