The Solution (II)

"What solution?" Rania could no longer contain her excitement and blurted out, her words rushing out in haste. 

Realising her mistake, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, her expression changing to one of regret.

"Forgive me, my lady. I shouldn't have interfered with your conversation. I was just so eager when you mentioned there might be a solution," the maid said, her voice filled with remorse.

Anna kindly reassured her, "It's alright, Rania. I understand that this topic has everyone's attention."

Curiosity brimming, Sylvia eagerly asked, "What is it, Anna? Tell us!"

"The betrothal took place in Ardel's castle when the representative of Prince Kiev presented the engagement ring to my father. As such, it should be governed by Ardel's laws," she began to explain.

The other ladies nodded fervently, their enthusiasm matching the princess' revelation, while Noah and Armel listened intently.