Getting The Brother-in-law's Consent

"Stay behind me," Callis said with a hint of concern as they approached the door to Kiev's chamber.

"But why?" Rafe questioned in confusion.

"It would be best. We don't know what could happen once he opens the door. He might pose a threat to you," the Mederian Princess explained.


The healer looked at his wife's worried expression. The memory of Kiev's aggressive behaviour from the previous day filled him with unease. However, being told to hide behind her wounded his pride as a man.

"I am your husband. I should take the lead," the healer insisted.

"I understand that, but please trust me on this for your safety. I'm not joking, and I'm speaking from experience," Callis warned, her tone serious.

"What do you mean? He can't be that dangerous, can he?" Rafe questioned, his doubt evident.

The Mederian Princess sighed, her mind drifting back to haunting memories of the past.