Daring Mockery Words

"How are you feeling now, Anna?" Queen Emelda asked, her expression showing genuine concern. "I heard from the servant that you refused to receive treatment from the royal healer and haven't eaten anything since morning."

"I don't feel sick, Your Majesty. There's no need for an examination from the healer," Anna reassured the queen.

The queen's worry persisted as she probed further, "Are you sure? Kyren told me that you had a fever."

Anna explained, "It was just a slight rise in my body temperature in the morning due to the weather. It has returned to normal, and there's nothing to worry about."

Queen Emelda let out a sigh of relief. 

"I'm glad to hear that. However, you still need to eat something to regain your energy."

Meredith interjected, "I've already persuaded her to eat, Your Majesty. My lady isn't feeling much of an appetite."