Meeting The In-laws

The carriage jolted along the uneven, rocky path, its wheels rattling with each bump. The escorts maintained their diligence, ensuring the carriage's and its passengers' safety.

Inside the carriage, the conversation continued, with a sense of restlessness hanging in the air. Kiev turned to Elis and posed a question. 

"Elis, what is my favourite colour?"

Elis appeared nervous, her gaze shifting downward. She hesitated but finally responded, "It's blue, Your Highness."

Kiev pressed on, seeking more specific information. "As in what?"

The maid's voice faltered, but she mustered the courage to answer, "As in... my eye colour."

Kiev nodded, acknowledging her response. The atmosphere in the carriage felt tense. 

Seeking to test her knowledge further, he inquired, "And how long have we been married?"

Elis let out a sigh. Her weariness was evident. 

"Five months, Your Highness," she replied.