The Cunning Mederian Princess

Sensing the discomfort in Kiev's response, King Kyden intervened swiftly, concerned that the potential for the attendees to piece together the truth—that the direct descendant of the Ro'an lineage had ceased.

"Enough. This luncheon was intended for us to acquaint ourselves with Prince Kiev and Princess Callis rather than delving into the affairs of His Imperial Majesty's descendant."

Realising his misstep, Lord Anson responded with contrition, "Please forgive us, Your Majesty. We must have got carried away."

King Kyden accepted the apology graciously.

"Based on what has been shared, I assume that the incident that endangered Her Imperial Highness' safety was caused by a traitor. This is likely why Prince Kiev hesitates to divulge further information. Am I correct, Prince Kiev?"

Kiev nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. It was an act of utmost betrayal that brought grief upon us all. Hence, speaking of her is a difficult matter for me."