Callis And The Knights' Training Plan

"Callis... Callis!" The sound of her name shattered her wandering thoughts, pulling her back to reality.


Startled, the Mederian Princess' eyes darted to Rafe, the one who had called her.

"Are you all right?" he asked, concern etched on his face as he held her shoulders carefully.

"I... I'm fine!" she replied, shaking off the memories of their kiss and his words during the altercation with Sarah.

Callis glanced around, scanning the area.

"Where did that arrogant lady go?" she inquired.

"She left already. Didn't you notice?" Rafe responded.

"Sorry, I didn't. I was lost in thought," she admitted, appearing disoriented.

The healer's gaze remained fixed on his wife's features.

"Are you sure you're all right? Your face flushed red just now. Do you have a fever?" he asked, reaching up to place his palm gently against her forehead.