The Prince Consort of Ardel

The forces of the Ardel armies marched towards the encampment. As they reached the outer perimeter, they were greeted by a disturbing sight.

The two watchtowers guarding the reinforced gate were in dire condition; one had crumbled to the ground entirely, while the other stood only as a shell of its former self, the remaining base bearing the scars of a massive onslaught.

The intimidating scene left the Ardel soldiers bewildered and uneasy. Seeing the destruction, fear of the mine's fate crossed King Ronan's features.

"Advance now! We must secure the mine!" he commanded his men.

"But, Your Majesty, we cannot simply rush in blindly! This is too dangerous! We could be walking right into a trap!" the commander warned.

Impatience flaring, the king seized the commander by the neck, snarling, "I care not if some of you worthless fools perish! Secure the mine, now!"