Saving The New Life Form

Time ticked by with no sign of Kiev and Anna's return, and the knights guarding the mansion grew increasingly uneasy. Noah approached Eric with a worried expression.

"Sir Navin, how much longer must we wait? Shouldn't we go after them now?" he asked, concerned.

After a moment's pause, Eric responded, "We must trust in His Highness Prince Kiev's promise to bring her back safely. Pursuing them now could expose us to unnecessary danger."

Garin then spoke up, "But what about the people concealed within the mansion? Do they still need to remain in hiding?"

Eric contemplated the question, his brow furrowing.

"Mrs. Amares, too, doesn't seem well," Luke noted, glancing with worry towards where Callis sat, Sylvia dabbing at her brow with a handkerchief.

"I'm fine," Callis insisted, her voice wavering. "Don't worry about me."