The Rescue Mission

Noah strode swiftly towards the mansion's backyard, where the other knights had gathered.

"Noah, wait up!" Emily called out from behind.

The knight abruptly halted his steps and turned to see the young woman rushing towards him.

"Emily, you've awakened," Noah responded.

Emily panted, catching her breath after the brief jog. She had been at the knight's side in the treatment room throughout the night, falling asleep by the bedside.

The landslide caused by the heavy downpour the previous night had resulted in minor injuries to Noah. The knight had been thrown from his warhorse, dislocating his shoulder and bruising his hip.

Concerned about the possibility of internal injuries, Drystan adamantly decided to return despite Noah's insistence on continuing the mission. The uncooperative weather had impaired their visibility and erased the Bargesians' tracks, leaving them no choice but to head back.