Chapter 91: "You all leave without me?"

As already mentioned over and over again. The fun things always pass very quickly.

When acquaintances started arriving one after another, and filled the yard with crowds. The birthday party starts, and they all start wishing the four of them happy birthday.

Himeko, Theresa, Cheng Lixue, Siegfried, Cecilia, Mei, Sirin, Rita, Welt Yang(disguise), her classmates, and also the teachers who teach at St. Freya.

And many more.

Even Amber, Otto's assistant, was sent here to wish the four of them a happy birthday.

This birthday party is probably the biggest birthday party they've ever thrown.

After holding a cake cutter session, and taking photos together. Theresa who was forced by Cecilia to become the magical girl TeRiRi once again, could only sigh helplessly, and stepped onto the stage to liven up the atmosphere.

Maybe the happiest thing for Theresa is that her performance on stage is respected by many people. Especially for Sirin, and Aurora. The eyes of these two people flashed an incomparably clear glint of adoration.

This made Theresa very happy, and her performance on stage improved greatly.

Bianka had to appear behind the two of them, and held their respective hands to prevent the two of them from going on stage fanatically.

Everything becomes a lot of fun.


"I'm so tired...~!"

Welcoming the evening, and the completion of the birthday party for his four daughters. Siegfried who was exhausted immediately lay down on the sofa in very messy clothes.

His job was to welcome the guests from earlier this afternoon, and chat with all of them as hosts. Even though Siegfried could endure slaying the Honkai beasts for 7 days without rest, he confessed that today he was really feeling very tired.

His mouth felt very dry.

"Good job, my dear. Here is some water for you. Thank you for helping me fulfill my selfish wish."

Siegfried hurriedly got up: "What did you say Cecilia?! I'm not tired at all! I'm not bothered at all!"

Cecilia laughed while covering her mouth with her hand: "Then thank you my hero. I'll give you a present later~"

Feeling his blood boil, and his stamina rushing back into his body crazily. Siegfried's eyes almost flashed with light, and he couldn't wait for midnight to come sooner.

Aurora: "Ewww, beast."

Sirin: "(〃▽〃)"

Thea: "I suggest going to a hotel instead. Our hearing is too sensitive."

Bianka: "What are you two talking about? Mom and dad are going to the hotel? Why?"

Rita: "Ahem! Miss Bianka...Shut up, and silence is the optimal choice for now. Let the adults do what they have to do."


Hear their words, and realize that there are still children here. Cecilia's face turned red very quickly.

"What are you all thinking! It's not like you girls imagined! Don't misunderstand!"

Siegfried: "No?"

Cecilia: "Yes, absolutely NO!!"

Seeing Cecilia who was trying to defend herself with an even redder face, and Siegfried who sat languidly on the sofa, lost all hope. Thea shook her head helplessly, and she spoke.

"Mama, there is something I want to talk to you about. Something serious."


Cecilia who still hadn't calmed down, her tone rose a bit higher.

Thea didn't really care about it, and she just stared at Cecilia quietly.

"I have to go to Schicksal for a while. I have something to do there."

Hearing Thea's sudden request, the entire room suddenly became silent.

Siegfried and Cecilia fell silent, and they both looked into each other's eyes in confusion.

Even Kiana, who always ignored all the commotion in the living room, and was busy unpacking gifts given by her friends, looked at her big sister with curious eyes.

Cecilia, who had calmed down, asked worriedly: "Going to Schicksal, why? Is there something important?"

"That's a bit difficult to explain here. Maybe I'll explain everything in the stigmata room. So mama, may I go?"

Looking at the purple eyes that were filled with determination. Cecilia knew that even without her own consent, Thea would still go there.

Cecilia couldn't help but sigh helplessly, and she gave a small smile.

"I've noticed that you've been a bit different since this morning, you all really are growing up really fast... you girls making mama really worry a lot."

Bent down her body, and hugging Thea tightly. Cecilia whispered in her ear softly.

"Of course sweetie, Mama won't interfere with your decision. It's just that, if there's a problem, please tell Mama. Mama will always be there to help you."

Thea who was drowned in Cecilia's arms, also smiled with relief after getting her mother's approval.

"Thank you, mama. I love you."

"You too switiee, mama loves you too."

Aurora who saw Cecilia and Thea hugging, and exchanging very emotional words, tried to hold back her tongue, and she rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Can we stop here. I think one of you will die to self-sacrifice. Stop overreacting, it's just changing residence for a while."

"By the way, since you're moving, then is it fine for me to come with you too?"

Bianka raised her eyebrows: "You also want to go to Schicksal? But why?"

Aurora answered her: "It's very boring here. There's nothing St. Freya can teach me anymore. I feel that changing the living environment would be something interesting."

Bianka nodded her head, and she clenched her fists excitedly: "Alright then you'll come with me. If I train you two seriously, then you two will definitely be able to become S-rank valkyries just like me!"

Kiana, who had been listening to their conversation quietly all this time, suddenly stood up, and she said frantically.

"Wait a minute... Are you all leaving? Then invite me too!"

Hearing this, Thea shook her head: "No Kiana, you have to stay here. You're not ready yet."

"Why should I be abandoned?!?"

Kiana screamed unfairly.

Aurora gave her a disdainful look: "Why? You didn't even pass the written exam, and this continues to make you still a B-rank Valkyrie candidate. Look at me and Thea, we are both already A-rank candidate valkyries. One level above you."

Kiana still didn't give up: "What does this have to do with rankings!? Even though I'm not as smart as you all, I can still beat you!"

"No, you can't."

"Yes I can!"



"...Fine, if you want to be like that, let's just go as you say. Then fight desperately, my foolish sister."

Tired of arguing with Kiana. Aurora snapped her fingers, and she immediately created a huge portal under Kiana's feet.


Surprised by the portal that suddenly appeared under her feet. Kiana jumped, but she accidentally entered another portal that appeared above her head.

She fell into a trap.

Kiana immediately disappeared into the portal, and the portal immediately turned into a very familiar cubic cube.


Aurora clapped her hands to remove the dust, as if she had just taken out the trash in the house.

"What did you do to her? Where did she go?" Bianka asked curiously.

Aurora explained: "Hum, I just sent her into the infinite corridor."

"If she can't even get out of there, that means she's still not ready to become a Valkyrie like us."

"So, since the troublemaker is gone, shall we discuss school transfers again?"

Aurora crossed her arms seriously.

"I also want to go to Schicksal."