Chapter 100: "Conduct diplomacy to Anti-Entropy"

When the inauguration ceremony was over, a bunch of documents, and a meeting with the elders in the Schariac family were all Thea needed to do right now.

As has been said before. Schariac's house had been in external and internal turmoil for quite a long time. A pile of problems almost the same as the ocean is normal.

Moreover, Thea got the position of patriarch without the slightest support from the elders in the Schariac family. They must be still thinking about how to control this young patriarch.

Senior bullies junior.

As long as there are beings who can think, and involve their own interests, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

In the past, her mother had succeeded in becoming the patriarch of the Schariac house because Otto himself had taken care of all her problems. Cecilia didn't even know how to manage her own family.

Although Thea could have chosen the same option as Cecilia to pass all of her responsibilities onto Otto, and enjoy the position of patriarch without doing anything. Thea still wants to do it alone.

If not, what's the point of her being the Saintess of the Schariac house?

"The door is unlocked, please come in."

Opened a large door made of expensive teak wood. Aurora entered the room without the need for courtesy, and her eyes immediately focused on an old man who was sitting in a daze on the sofa.

The old man just stared at the ceiling with his mouth half open, as if he had an illusion.

"You will kill him?"

"Of course not, do you think I'm a devil?"

Thea fixed the glasses she was wearing, and she smiled sweetly at Aurora.

"This old man is one of the executives controlling the medical sector of the Schariac house from the main branch line. His figure is so important that all payments from the Schariac house have to pass through his own hands before being approved."

"When I asked about the financial cash flow statement, this old man always threw his responsibilities around. So I invited him into my room, and brainwashed his dirty brain using a Fenghuang Down feather."

"Now that she wakes up from the illusion I created, she will become my loyal follower. I only need to catch two more fish to strengthen my position as the Saintess of the House of Schariac."

"You know, going to their doors one by one, it's quite a tiring job."

Hearing something terrible that came out of Thea's mouth, it was as if it was a normal thing. Aurora shrugged her shoulders, and she looked at her sister with a confused look.

"I don't care what you do to the ants. But, is there a reason why you called me here?"

Get rid of the documents that were on her desk. Thea took off the glasses she was wearing at the moment, and she was still smiling.

"I'm busy, but it depends on what I'm doing."

"Then why are you wearing glasses?"

"That's cool, and makes me feel really smart. Any questions?"


Stop to talks nonsense. Thea immediately said the reason she called Aurora here.

"I'll go straight to the point. My little sister, would you like to be the captain of the security department's team?"

Aurora snorted dissatisfiedly: "Is that all? You called me all the way here just to offer something useless? You wasted my time."

Thea shook her head: "No, quite the opposite. This position is very useful for you."

Thea smiled slyly: "Have you forgotten what I told you that night? Your big sister will take care of all your problems."

"Get ready Aurora, we will go to Anti-Entropy first to do diplomacy, and negotiations, and after that we will go to Siberia."

"Let's save your sleeping princess from her ice chest."


Today is a sunny day.

Decided to go to a secret meeting with the Anti-Entropy executors first, before going to Siberia. Thea and Aurora were walking side by side, and she suddenly heard someone call her title name.

Thea turned around curiously.

"Wait for me, Your Highness Saintess!!"

Run towards Thea as fast as she can. The chestnut-haired girl was panting heavily, and she was finally able to catch up with the two of them.

"Maria, didn't I tell you not to call me by your highness Saintess again? What era has this been... Just call me by my name." Thea gave a gentle suggestion.

"No, it is an honor just to know your name! I not dare say it Your Highness Saintess!"

"Then I will be angry."


"Maria, call my name."

"Hngh... M-Miss Saintess..."

Thea: ".... (╬◣_◢)"

Maria: ".... (○A○)!!!"

Can feel a very domineering aura coming out of Thea's body. Maria Schariac, the former Saintess candidate, lowered her head in fear.

Miss Saintess when angry is really very scary!

"Ahh... Never mind, do whatever you want." Thea shook her head helplessly.

This kid is really very stubborn.

"Since you are already here, then I will introduce my sister to you. Introducing her, her name is Aurora Schariac. From now on she is the captain of the security department, and she will be your boss in the future."

"Oh, nice to meet you Captain Aurora! Please for the guidance in the future!!" Maria bowed politely.

"Hey! Since when did I agree to take this position!? I never said yes!"

Aurora who saw Thea ignored her, and walked away from the two of them, gritting her teeth, and she quickly caught up with her.

"Hey, what's the point of all this? Who is she!? Aren't we going to Siberia later? Why do we have to take her?!"

Thea answered Aurora's questions one by one calmly.

"The girl's name is Maria Schariac, my rival-to-be when the two of us are still fighting over Saintess's position. Unlike me who has no support at all from the elders, the girl has a lot of influential support behind her."

"The diplomacy we are doing this time represents the Schariac house, not Schicksal. So bringing her in to negotiate with Anti-Entropy is an obligation."

"You can rest assured, even though she is from the Schariac house, she can still be trusted. She is a kind girl."

When she first heard that her rival's name for the position of Saintess had the name Maria Schariac. Thea almost lost control, and she wanted to rush to Schariac's house to strangle her to death.

It was fortunate that she wake up quickly, and dispelled this killing intent like nothing had happened.

After all, she used to think that the game next door was really scary. But now, she realized that the game Honkai Impact 3 was much scarier than her little sister.

After reading some of Kevin's memories, Thea knew that there was a misinformation due to this memory fragment in her mind.

The next game has an energy-type civilization enemy trying to invade the entire universe. As for the Honkai Impact 3 game, their Honkai is an entity from a high dimension, which tries to embrace humanity.

Advanced civilizations, compared to entities from higher dimensions. Which is scarier?

Her words that she used to tell the Will of Honkai that she would defeat Cocoon of Finality was a big joke.

Thea didn't even know how to defeat Cocoon of Finality which even Kiana couldn't destroy when she became Herrscher of Finality in the future.

This scared her to death as she recalled what kind of words she had so boldly said in front of the Will of Honkai.

If she could go back in time, she would probably have slapped her childish self in the mouth for not knowing the limit of the sky's height.


Reading Kevin's memories further, Thea knew that all her worries were completely unnecessary.

The reason why it's called a cocoon is because it's a cocoon.

That thing had no consciousness at all, and only had basic instincts filled with chaos.

The reason why Kiana in the future could become a Herrscher of Finality was also because the Cocoon of Finality didn't reject her when she merged, and became one with her.

If one day the Cocoon of Finality has a consciousness of its own, and chooses to rebel...

Then Thea will immediately close the board of her coffin obediently.

There is no hope.

Dead is better.

At least you won't suffer.

"Aurora, listen to me."

Thea returned to the main topic.

After she assumed the Saintess position of the Schariac house. Thea met Maria once again, and she finally recognized that this girl named Maria's personality was really very good.

It was Maria who had helped her take care of most of the matters during her time as a Saintess, and pointed out a few things that she needed to take care of first.

Even though her help was a little useless since she could do it herself. Her sincere help moved Thea's heart.

At least she couldn't hate this silly girl at all.

"You will now become the captain of the security department, and you will lead your own team later. Hurry up and come up with a good team name, and let me know later when you have made up your mind. I will also need to transfer some people from our family to fill subordinate positions..."

Seeing Thea who immediately entered work mode, as they walked side by side. Aurora took a deep breath.

"This is why I hate politics. You're just giving me extra trouble."

"Miss Saintess, captain Aurora, wait for me!"


Aurora held her head which suddenly became very dizzy, helplessly.

Damn it, the problem is growing again!