Chapter 140: "Cocolia, you can't defeat me!"

Eye of the Deep...

It is a part of The Deep where the function of this building is to open a portal to the Sea of ​​quanta.

The Eye of the Deep, which was in the form of a gigantic spiral structure, began to rotate faster and faster, and a smooth portal began to appear in the middle of it.

Even though Cocolia was currently a little away from the Eye of the Deep, the roars of the crazed Honkai beasts outside told her that this portal couldn't last much longer.

If not, perhaps she would also be buried here with them right away.

"Matushka Cocolia, Bronya is here."

"You're late, Bronya."

"Sorry... There was something blocking the path before."

Nodding her head, and realized that at this moment Bronya was waiting for her orders. Cocolia asked slightly curiously.

"Aren't you curious why Matushka called you here?"

Bronya shook her head: "Not really, Bronya has guessed what matushka wants. Does this have anything to do with Seele?"

Before entering The Deep, Bronya was still confused by Cocolia's actions just playing in the restricted area. But after hearing Einstein's explanation that this building could connect the real world with the Sea of ​​quanta, Bronya immediately understood what matushka Cocolia wanted.

During the X-10 experiment, Seele enters a quantum state, and disappears from the real world. Everyone knows this.

It was Saintess Thea who explained to the two of them that Seele had now entered the sea of ​​quanta, and she would try to save Seele as soon as possible.

But in fact...

To this day, Seele still hasn't shown up.

Every day that passed, Bronya's trust in Saintess Thea became less and less.

"Does Matushka also not trust Saintess Thea?"

Cocolia who heard this, gave a small smile: "Bronya, you know that I am a woman who won't rely on others. Seele disappeared into the Sea of ​​quanta because of my mistake. So, to save her I won't rely on anyone else."

"Don't you think so too, Bronya?"

"Hm, Seele is waiting for us to be rescued." Bronya agreed with Cocolia's words.

"Looks like you already know what you're going to do next."

"Yes, Bronya will enter the sea of ​​quanta, and save Seele!"

Nodding her head in full agreement. Cocolia who saw Bronya slowly walk into the Eye of the Deep portal, was stunned for a bit, before she pulled Bronya back in despair.

"Wait Bronya! what are you doing!"

Was pulled back by Cocolia, and took a few steps back from the Eye of the Deep. Bronya looked at Cocolia in confusion.

"Ah? Didn't matushka tell Bronya to enter the sea of ​​quanta and save Seele?"

Hearing this, Cocolia patted her forehead helplessly.

Even though Bronya has the mentality of an adult due to her tragic life experience, children are still children.

When it comes to people who are important to her. Bronya's high IQ would instantly drop, and she would instantly lunge for death without even having any fear on her face.

"Matushka means you can't go in there in a rush. Have you thought about how to get back after entering the Sea of ​​quanta?"


Seeing Bronya had a question mark on her face. Cocolia couldn't help but sigh tiredly.

"Bronya take this."

Cocolia took out a device similar to a pocket watch, and she handed it to Bronya.


Cocolia explained: "Its name is Genius. A device created by Schicksal and can be a tool to guide you back home from the sea of ​​quanta."

"I've sent the manual to your private terminal. You can crack the encryption password right?"

".... Thank you Matushka Cocolia."

Tells project bunny to download the Genius user manual file from within the terminal. before Bronya has the chance to read it, she suddenly hears an angry scream of a girl.

Kiana: "I finally found you! Bronya!!!"

Bronya: "...."

Frowning her forehead, and feeling this idiot is getting annoying. Bronya summons Project Bunny, and she prepares to fight Kiana.

"Bronya, let me handle this. You hurry and enter the portal, the portal can't last much longer. Please save Seele for me."

".... How about matushka?"

"Don't worry about me. Matushka has her way."

"Hm... Then Bronya will be go."

Believing what Cocolia said, was like soldiers trusting their leader's commands. Bronya stepped forward towards the Eye of the Deep portal, and Cocolia raised her right hand to call all the Mecha Titans around to follow her orders.

"I said stop, you stop! Are you deaf!? Get out of my way!"

Angry to see Bronya ignoring her warning. The dual pistols in her hands were immediately engulfed in blazing flames, and Kiana, who was surrounded by many Mecha Titans, started shooting very quickly.

"Take a look at my Gun Kata technique!"

Continuously shooting at high speed, coupled with global Time Fracture, formed an extremely fast afterimage. Kiana who had trained the Kaslana family's Gun Kata technique to a high level, began to show her maximum potential.

Each shot would precisely hit every vital point of the machine, and melt the metal and the circuitry within in one shot.

Not even a minute later, the crowd of Mecha Titans that were originally rather dense when gathered together, fell onto the ground in unison, and Kiana who ignored the engine explosion behind her, dashed towards Cocolia at breakneck speed.

"I give up."


Before Kiana could do anything. Cocolia, who was faster than Kiana, immediately put handcuffs on her arms.

Seeing the smug smile on her face, they don't know who is the loser here.

Kiana: "???"

She was dumbfounded.

What's really going on here? Why is my brain suddenly not working?

Do criminals have higher self-awareness these days?

Why are you so cooperative!!!

"[Kiana, can you hear me?]"

"Yeah what's wrong Dr Tesla? By the way I've caught Bronya's mother now. What should I do next?"

The other side was silent for a moment, before Tesla's excited voice, emerged from the communicator's side.

"[Good job Kiana! We have also taken control of the control center now, and intend to close the Eye of the Deep as soon as possible. You just wait there, we will immediately go to your place!]"

"But Bronya has now entered the portal! What should I do!?"

"[Ah? She came in? Why?]"

"I ask you, then who should I ask?"

Kiana gritted her teeth in annoyance. She felt at this moment she was talking to a wall.

"[…This is getting a bit difficult… The Sea of ​​quanta is a very dangerous place. Sending you there knowing nothing about the sea of ​​quanta will only make you die quickly.]"

"[Besides, why isn't Joachim coming out yet? Ugh...Okay, Kiana, you come back here first. Stabilize the current state first, and after that we'll think together to find a way out.]"

"[As for Bronya, try asking Cocolia about her goals--- Wait, who are you? Where is Himeko?]"

"....Dr. Tesla?"

"[Hey I don't know who you are but can we talk peacefully? Please put down the gun you have in your hand! Wait-Argh!!!!]"

"Dr. Tesla!! What happened there!? Please answer me!"

Knowing something was wrong with Tesla's side. Kiana kept frantically asking for information on Tesla's current state, and all she got were garbled noises in the background.

A crashing sound was heard, the roar of a Honkai beasts was also heard on the other side. After a moment of silence, the sound of heavy footsteps hitting the floor began to be heard within her communicator.

Kiana could hear light breathing sounds, as if the person on the other side took Dr. Tesla communicator, and just stared at the communicator in silence.

"I don't know who you are, but I hope Dr. Tesla and teacher Himeko are okay there. Otherwise, my punches won't be light!" Kiana made a threat.

On the other side, when that person heard Kiana's threat. He wasn't scared at all.

A deep voice like a man's voice immediately sounded in Kiana's ear.

"[...When the stage curtain is drawn, the actor must act according to the script that has been determined.]"


Bewildered by the extremely riddled words of the other party. The Deep shook violently, and Kiana immediately opened her eyes wide.

"What happened?!"

Cocolia smiled slightly: "Of course it is what you see. The Eye of the Deep is about to collapse."

Emits an extremely uncomfortable purple colored light. The Eye of the Deep spun crazily, and the suction of the portal grew stronger.

The portal enlarges many times in one go.

"So are you not going to go in and chase after Bronya now? She might be in danger."

Cocolia smiled slyly.