Chapter 142: "Team up with the idiot"

"Bronya... Bronya..."

When her consciousness was still dull, and darkness enveloped all of her senses.

Bronya heard a voice calling her name loudly.

Bronya tried to open her eyes, and she was immediately greeted by Himeko's face at close range.

"Bronya! Don't sleep in the class!"


Surprised to see Himeko. Bronya who already knew that she wasn't from the same side anymore, started getting ready for any potential attacks.

After all, no one likes a traitor.

She even hated this thing.

Therefore, she must stay alert.

"Gosh Bronya... I know that you are an model student. But please don't sleep during exam time."


Feeling confused by Himeko's words. Bronya paid attention to her surroundings, and she immediately felt that this room was quite familiar to her.

"St. Freya's classroom? Why Bronya here?"

Himeko was speechless: "Bronya, haven't you woken up from your sleep yet? Today is the valkyrie exam on English, my subject. Are you okay? I will take you to the infirmary if you don't feel well."

".... No... Bronya just forgot..." Seeing that Himeko's worries weren't fake at all. Bronya lowered her guard.

"But your face looks really pale. After class you should immediately go to the infirmary to check your body condition. After all you are a valkyrie, always take care of your health."


Answered briefly because she wasn't used to the gentle attention Himeko gave her. Bronya lowered her head, and she looked at the exam papers on the table in confusion.

"(Bronya guess this is the bubble universe that Einstein once said about. Is it a different parallel world? Is Bronya becoming a valkyrie here?)"

Analyze her current state, and think back on what Joachim said about passing the test. Bronya finds the Genius device still on her, and she immediately activates it.

"(Still no signs at all... However, according to the lead Genius gave, Bronya is indeed in the sea of ​​quanta right now.)"

"(Bubble universe coordinates still not found... The transmission network is also unstable...)"

"(Ugh, anyway, let's find a way to get out of this bubble universe as quickly as possible.)"

Setting up some objective goals, and can only wait for the class exam to be over. Time passed very quickly, and the exam papers that were on the table, were finally collected.

Himeko clapped her hands: "Girls, today is the valkyrie training exam. Everyone please gather at the practice arena."

Following what Himeko said, and walked out of the classroom together with her friends. Bronya who came to the practice arena, suddenly felt a crisis.

"(Enemy attack!?)"

Haven't had time to summon Project Bunny to defend herself. Bronya's field of view was rotated 90° degrees, and her face hit the concrete floor really hard.

"Brat, I finally caught you!"


Opening her eyes with difficulty, and did not expect that Kiana would follow her until here. Bronya immediately called Project Bunny, and told it to hit Kiana from behind.

"Not that easy!"

Picked up Bronya's body from the ground, and immediately switched positions between the two of them. Bronya, who was about to be punched by Project Bunny with full force, broke into a cold sweat.

Good luck she stopped it in time.

"Hehehe, you want to punch me short brat? If you want to use such cheap tricks then you have to be disappointed! That trick won't trick me anymore!"

Have full level experience with such sneaky attack style. Kiana, who has been trained by her two demon sisters, will not fall into the same trap twice.

"Now follow me back to Hyperion, and don't try to fight back!"


Tried to struggle once more, but felt the grip on her hand grow stronger. Bronya, following the wise words of the Romans, finally chose to give up.

Bronya, sighed.

"Kiana what are you doing!? The training hasn't started yet, why are you suddenly attacking Bronya just like that!!!"

"Eh, aunt Himeko? Why are you here?"

Felt something was off. Kiana looked at her surroundings carefully, and she finally realized that something was wrong here.

The vast blue sky, the familiar combat training arena, as well as several buildings that she had known for a long time.

"Eh? Isn't this St. Freya? Why am I here?"

Himeko became furious: "Why do you girls have the same question? Do you two share the same dream too!? Kiana, let Bronya go!"

Stunned, and feeling threatened by the domineering aura emitted by Himeko. Kiana released Bronya on reflex, and Bronya took this opportunity to keep distance from her.

Rubbed her wrist, which felt a little sore. Bronya, who saw Kiana who was scolded by Himeko all over, started to think of a plan.

"Don't do it again! Why are you suddenly attacking Bronya for no reason? Why are you being so rude to her? Bronya is our classmate, apologize to Bronya, now!"

"O-Okay teacher Himeko!!!"

Answer her in a panic. Kiana walked slowly towards Bronya, and she bowed her head deeply.

"That... Bronya, I'm sorry..."

"About what?"

"I attacked you suddenly..." Kiana looked really guilty.

Bronya: "...."

Feeling speechless, because she saw Kiana's stupidity to a new level. Bronya started doubting Iq Kiana at this time.

"No Bronya it's fine..."

"Really? Do you forgive me!?" Kiana's face beamed.

"Well... alright." Bronya's face became blank.

Seeing Kiana rushing to Himeko so excited. Bronya who couldn't stand this kind of nonsense anymore, finally choosing to speak.

"Wait a minute Kiana. Do you know where we are right now?"

"Eh? Why are you asking a question like this? Of course we are at St. Freya!"

"Nyet, you idiot."

Bronya finally spoke harsh language, because she couldn't stand the answer Kiana gave her.

"We are currently in the bubble universe, inside the barrier created by Joachim."

"In order to pass this labyrinth, we must pass the trials he gave us one after another. Bronya sees your potential, so let's work together."

Hearing what Bronya said. Kiana finally realized what Bronya meant, and she immediately looked at Bronya with a wary look.

However, she and Bronya still had personal feuds here.

Kiana will not agree so easily.

"Why should I cooperate with you?"

Bronya sighed: "We still don't know what kind of obstacles we have to go through. Besides, do you think you can get away from this place just by relying on your half fish brain?"

"Bronya felt the grudge between the two of us isn't too heavy. Working together and finding a way out together is the optimal choice."

"With your strength, and my intelligence, we can overcome all these obstacles together."

"What do you think, Kiana?"

Kiana raised her eyebrows in thought, and she nodded her head in agreement, having felt there was nothing wrong with Bronya's words.

"Fine, I'll cooperate with you. But after getting out of the sea of ​​quanta, you have to come to Hyperion with me!"

At Kiana's unreasonable request. Bronya chose to agree.

"You can rest easy, after all Bronya's goal is just to go to the sea of ​​quanta."

"Bronya, won't run."