Chapter 152: "Want to compare the past? pathetic!"

When Bronya and Kiana found Pastor, they found that this man had passed out in a snow field.

If no one found him, maybe this person would immediately turn into an ice mummy without them even realizing it.

In the end, Kiana, who had the strength to lift an adult, dragged Pastor back to the orphanage to rest.

"This is not just an ordinary disease. Look at the red lines around his body. This is a symptom of an infection with honkai energy."

Kiana, who has read general knowledge about the symptoms of honkai disease at St. Freya's academy, shares her findings.

"Can it be cured?"

"Of course can. Since Big Sister Thea became a Saintess and took over Schariac's house, their medicine list was updated to the latest level and this chronic disease turned into a mediocre one."

"But... This place isn't our real world. Sister Thea might not even exist in this world..."

Bronya raised her eyebrows: "That means we can't do anything for him right now right?"

Kiana: "...."

This was the first time Kiana realized that she was a very useless person.

If only she was as smart as her big sister, maybe she could find a solution to the current problem.

"I'm going to the city to find some medicine! You all just wait for me to back!"

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Maybe Kiana's tone was too loud. Otto, who was asleep, woke up, and he immediately coughed really hard.

"Cough! No... Don't do that Kiana... It's already late... Very dangerous..."

"No, I'm a very strong girl! A valkyrie! How could a cold night like this hold me down?"

Hearing Kiana's arrogant tone. Pastor, who drank the water that Seele gave him, felt his chest slightly relieved, and he shook his head weakly.

"It's okay, Kiana. You don't need to worry about me. I know enough about my own body condition."

"It's already very late, you must be feeling very tired right? Please go to bed. Don't worry about me."

Seele clenched her fists: "But Pastor looks so pale, Is that really okay?"

The priest smiled gently: "It's okay, don't worry. I feel better than before because of the care you all gave me. I'm really grateful."

Theresa came into the room with a panicked face: "Pastor, what's going on!? I heard that you were found unconscious in a snowdrift!"

Joachim also came inside: "Pastor! Are you all right!?"

Look at the room which is getting crowded. Pastor Otto, who saw that everyone was worried about his condition, could only smile gently.

"You all... haha, I'm fine."

Pastor Otto gave the best smile he could make to make everyone not worry about him.


Came out of the Pastor's room, and saw Kiana walking towards the orphanage exit with determination. Bronya couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't push yourself too hard. If you don't find a cure, please come back as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, you might miss the final goodbye with great regret."

"...Hm, I know. don't worry about me, I always lucky."

Stopped in front of the door, and understood the implied meaning that Bronya wanted to convey. Kiana activated her Moonlight godsbane armor, and she ran out of the orphanage at full speed.

Bronya could only see a fairy-like light wing figure flickering in the dark cold night, and watch it disappear among the falling snowflakes.

Waiting for a while, Kiana had already disappeared from within her sight range.

"Bronya didn't expect that idiot could also have such a serious attitude. Honestly, when she was serious Bronya somehow felt she was reliable."

"If only she was always like this..."

Bronya let out a long sigh once again.

Intending to return to her room to rest, because Pastor was already being cared for by Theresa and Seele. Bronya, who was about to enter the room, suddenly saw Joachim sneaking out in thick clothes.

Bronya: "...?"

Silenced for a moment, and took the Genius device to find out. Bronya noticed that Joachim was currently walking further and further away from the orphanage.

Looking at his direction, he seemed to be going to the place where Pastor Otto had fainted earlier.

"What does he want to do there?"

Feeling curious about Joachim's actions. Bronya decided to secretly follow him.

Go outside, and follow a very clear position in Genius. Bronya walked in a pile of snow carefully like a wolf stalking her prey, and she watched Joachim's actions carefully.

When they arrived at Pastor position fainted before. Joachim looked around in confusion, and he started pawing at the pile of snow with a face full of determination.

His head continued to bow to the ground, and occasionally squatted down, as if he was looking for a lost item.

This made Bronya curious.

In the end, when Joachim's face turned red from the cold temperature of the night, Bronya decided to come out of hiding, and asked.

"Joachim, what are you doing here?"

"WOAH!?!! Bronya! You surprised me!"

Looking at Bronya who suddenly appeared behind him without making the slightest sound. Joachim's little heart almost fell.

"Joachim, tomorrow you will be adopted. If Pastor finds you staying up late and catching a fever, then he might be angry with you."

"....He won't be angry."

Lowered his head, and feeling uneasy from always being stared at by Bronya with a very straight gaze. Joachim finally started to open his mouth forcefully.

"I admit that I was wrong. I came out because I wanted to find something."

"What's that?"

"A cross. The priest said that before he fainted, he was looking for this thing in a snowdrift. I just wanted to find it and return it to him."

Bronya tilted her head: "... Why not search it tomorrow morning? It's already very late. The temperature outside is getting really low now."

"...That...Maybe I not have time again."

Staring at Joachim silently, and feeling that Joachim was hiding something from her. Bronya decided to pretend not to know, and she nodded her head.

"Okay, this time Bronya will help you. But we have to hurry. The cold at this time could give us frostbite. Don't make everyone worry."

"...Thank you, Bronya."

Decided to help Joachim. Bronya used Project Bunny's scanning powers to map the ground around the area, and after several minutes of repeated scanning, they finally found a golden cross buried not far from where they were standing.

"Found it. Joachim, save it and return it later to the Pastor."


Realizing at this time Joachim was holding the cross in his hands hesitantly, as if holding a hot potato, not knowing whether to keep it or throw it away. Bronya asked curiously.

"What is it?"

"No... I changed my mind. Bronya, you return this cross to him."

Bronya frowned: "What do you mean change your mind? You don't want to see the Pastor?"

Joachim: "...."

He could only remain silent, and lowered his head guiltily.

Bronya sighed.

"Running won't solve all problems, Joachim. They will keep piling up until you won't dare to move."

"Bronya knows your past with the Pastor. Are you entangled because he has killed your father? Or something else?"

"Y-You, you don't know anything about me!" Just like a hedgehog that suddenly gets stabbed. Joachim shouted angrily.


Bronya's face didn't change at all.

"Bronya thinks Bronya knows enough. Bronya knows a woman who did a lot of bad things, even did a lot of unforgivable things."

"That woman cared for Bronya like her own child, and Bronya could feel her sincere feelings. That's why Bronya never hated her."

Just like she used to be. A former mercenary, but after she was defeated by Cocolia, she became a member of Cocolia's orphanage family.

Even though this woman committed many unforgivable crimes, her sincere love not fake at all.

If not, why Bronya didn't hate her after she found out that Cocolia herself was carrying out the X-10 experiment?

Why was she able to volunteer as an experimental subject without any reservations at all?

Even though she knew this was wrong, Bronya never blamed Cocolia.

Well... Maybe she hated her a bit, but it wasn't that much.

However, Bronya really understood Joachim's feelings at this moment.

"Joachim, the sincere feelings given by the Pastor to you are also not just an illusion."

"You can to not forgive the past, but you have to face the present bravely. Otherwise, this will only turn into a painful past."

"So Joachim, don't be afraid."

"Just say what you want to say. After all, you are all family."

Seeing Joachim who was silent, and knowing that he currently needed time to understand. Bronya escorted him back to the orphanage, and she also returned to her room to rest.