Chapter 159: "Veliona angry, again"

Ignoring Kiana's hateful gaze, and holding the Judgment of Shamash with a enjoy expression. Welt Yang swung at it, and he shook his head helplessly.

"I hate heroes."

"Heroes always sacrifice themselves to save others. But, they always ignore the feelings of the people they have left behind."

"In the end, those sacrifices will only be in vain. Saving strangers who don't even remember your name, and only disappointing the people they care about."

"Kiana, what do you think. Does Siegfried's sacrifice mean anything to you?"

Kiana gritted her teeth angrily, and she immediately pointed her gun at Welt Yang.


With one shot without hesitation. The bullet directly hit Judgment of Shamash, and this made Welt release his grip reflexively.

Welt Yang looked at Kiana with cold eyes.

Kiana growled as if she was holding back her anger: "Get away from that sword. You have absolutely no right to judge him."

Welt Yang smiled disdainfully: "You have a point. Only people who care about them will know what value they are protecting. So, you should remember this moment as much as possible."

"Engrave these moments into your mind, and make them the most powerful fuel."

"Hate, loss, despair, these feelings will guide you, and find the true meaning of your life."

"After you go through all this, then you will be the same as me."

Gritting her teeth, and holding the Key of Radiance in her hand tightly. Even though Kiana currently hated Welt Yang very much, she knew that she couldn't talk any more nonsense here.

While they were talking, the Anti-Entropy Mecha continued to attack the injured valkyrie without stopping at all.

Welt Yang can create all types of Mecha with just a wave of his hand. But for the life of a valkyrie, death is the end of life.

Every second that passed, the lives of the valkyries were at stake.

"I don't know what you are trying to do, and what your reason is for attacking us. What I do know is that you are trying to kill us all!"

"I won't let that happen!"

"Quickly withdraw your Mecha, or I will kill you!"

Hearing Kiana's aggressive words. Even though Welt Yang knew that currently Kiana was still in an emotional explosion because she had watched her precious person leave. Welt still felt unhappy.

What does this have to do with him understanding, with her feelings?


The smile on Welt's face disappeared.

"Didn't I say it before, that only people who share the same pain can understand each other's feelings."

"You lost your father here, your hero, and you have qualifications to understand me right now."

"But... All this is not enough."

Welt performs an instant teleport onto RPC-6626, a war machine flying in the sky, and he begins to activate his Herrscher powers.

His gaze was now immediately focused on the convoy team which was trapped with the Honkai beasts and his Mecha.

"Your pain is still not much. You haven't lost everything, that's why you still don't understand the true meaning of despair."

"So, I'll help you."

"Just like me 5 years ago. When they killed my hero, and everyone I cared about. Living in terror like a weak mouse."

Purple lines continued to increase on Welt's body, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

He recalled the moment when Tesla fell into a pool of blood only to be saved him from thousands of bullets. Einstein who tried to buy time for him, and Emma who was executed due to accusations of rebellion.

And also...

His hero who handed over his herrscher core to him in the last moments of his life.

Every second that passed, made Welt very angry.

"Now you, you will feel what I have felt before! I will make you feel the loss of the people you love one by one!"

"I Welt Yang, have returned to take revenge on all of you valkyries!"

"Die for me!!!"

Welt Yang's anger rose, and the sky slowly turned a blood red color, following his mood.

The RPC-6626 beneath his feet continued to change under the power of the Herrscher of Reason, and its internal component structures began to change drastically.

Abandoning the advantages of flying speed, and endurance. Welt instantly increases firepower, and increases ammunition storage in one shot.

In the end, when Welt Yang finished construction. A giant warship appeared before the eyes of all the valkyries.

The accelerator particles begin to emit positron rays inside them. When positrons and electrons collide into one, this will become a terrifying weapon of mass destruction.


The terrifying weapons aimed their barrels at the valkyrie convoy team below.

A terrifying aura immediately spread everywhere.

The valkyries could only look up at the sky in confusion and fear.

Kiana: "That's enough! I won't let you hurt them anymore!"

Gritting her teeth, and combining her two pistols, transformed the Key of Radiance into the shape of a sword. Kiana immediately ran towards Welt Yang at full speed!

Take advantage of the help of tall pine trees. Kiana ran towards the top, and she immediately jumped!

"It's useless. Your struggle won't change anything."

"You could have chosen to remain silent and witness all this with your own eyes. After all, you would not be able to protect the people you love."

"This is your destiny, and also mine."

Welt Yang created a 345 mm caliber cannon around him, a medium version of the weapon of mass destruction he created, and he immediately aimed at Kiana who was currently still in the air.

Those purple eyes of his, became extremely cold.

"Since you chose to die, then I will grant your wish. Goodbye, valkyrie Schicksal."

Welt: "Fire."




Bronya opened her eyes wide.

Seeing the wind distorted, and the shock wave was deafening, spreading everywhere. Bronya didn't wait until this wave coming, before she realized that there was another shot of light coming down a second time.

Apparently, after Welt shot Kiana with his laser cannon. He also directly shot at the valkyrie convoy team without any hesitation at all.

Feeling threatened, before the wave arrived, Bronya immediately dragged Seele to the ground reflexively.

"Seele down!!!"


Lied on the ground, and hugged Seele tightly to protect her from being hit by the blast debris. An explosive gust arrived, and Bronya gritted her teeth.

A cloud of dust immediately enveloped them all. Vision became limited, and hearing could only hear the sound of the wind colliding violently with each other.

Bronya didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky this time. At least, Project Bunny's shield still hasn't been destroyed by a foreign object collision.

But, even so they couldn't last like this any longer.

Veliona also understands the crisis they are currently experiencing.

Didn't hesitate, and started using her stigmata power, intending to teleport them all to a safe place. Veliona, who was about to leave, suddenly heard Joachim's voice speaking in their minds.

"[Bronya, Seele, something's wrong… I'll get you all out of this mess first.]"

"[This is the only help I can give you guys...]"

"[I'm sorry...]"

With a weak apology. The spatial distortion around them shook violently, and Seele's figure, along with Bronya, immediately disappeared from there.

When a huge wave followed once again, and the ground where they had been standing, was lifted into the sky by Welt's repeated attack. The space distortion in that place returned to normal.


The ruins of the tower of Babylon...

When the Herrscher of Void fought and lost in this place, the top of the tower was destroyed, leaving only the lower building with a solid foundation.

In a very large basic hall room. The roof of the center of the hall collapsed, and this caused the moonlight to enter the hall with its soft light.

Bronya got up from the cold floor slowly, and she tried to stand up with difficulty.

His ears were still ringing from the big explosion before. Causing her head to become very dizzy.

Bronya looked around her in confusion.

"Hngh... Where is this?"

"Of course we were moved to a safe place. Although I could do that too, that brat has saved me a lot of energy."

Raised her head, and could see 'Seele' who was trying to hide half of her body in the darkness. Bronya, who was confused, became even more confused.

"You... what are you exactly?"

Veliona snorted in annoyance: "Just guess for yourself. However, I don't have the mood to play with you right now."

"Instead of worrying about who I am, you should be more worried about your friend's condition."

"Even though she was really lucky not to die in one shot, she was already dying."

Hearing what Veliona said, Bronya thought for a moment, before she opened her eyes wide.

"That's right, Kiana!"

Searched the surroundings, and could see Kiana currently lying on the cold floor, with tattered clothes, and serious wounds all over her body. Bronya tore her sleeve to stop the bleeding that was currently in Kiana's stomach, and she immediately bandaged it.

Although Kiana has super high endurance because of her bloodline. The wounds around her body looked too serious.

Thick red blood kept coming out of her clothes, and Kiana was delirious like she was having a nightmare, not realizing that her face was getting paler.

From project bunny monitoring, Kiana's body temperature is now starting to drop slowly.

If this wound is not treated first, Kiana will most likely bleed to death.

"Tch, why are you still not moving? Do you want to see your little sister die here?"

Veliona crossed her arms impatiently.

At critical times like these, Veliona had absolutely no intention of doing something. She was waiting for Thea to make a move.

The stigmata on Kiana's body were shining with a soft light, trying to maintain the life of the dying Kiana. But, it was still not enough.

Kiana's body temperature gradually dropped.

"Tch, so weak. Do you really intend to cure her or not? I can't believe that you can only do this."

Keep watching, and wait to see how Thea saves Kiana. Veliona, who saw that Kiana's condition had not changed at all, still dying, suddenly frowned in confusion.

"Oi, oi, are you serious? Why don't you heal her immediately? She's your little sister!"

"Why are you so cruel!?"

Didn't find any response from the stigmata on Kiana's body except that it only got a little brighter. Veliona gritted her teeth in anger, and she clenched her fists tightly.

Bronya: "Blyat, why did all this happen... Kiana, please hold on! Don't die!"

Veliona: "...."

Still waiting, and in the end giving up on getting the response she wanted. Veliona bit her lower lip, and she sighed tiredly.

"I'm not a devil, but you definitely are."

Veliona used her stigmata power to perform quantum teleportation, and she immediately disappeared from her place.

Her hatred for Thea began to increase.