Chapter 164: "Key of Creation, Life and death"

"Hum! You say that in such a pitiful tone, do you think you can persuade us to obey your orders?"

"Do you still remember, Seele also begged to be returned, but you never agreed at all?!"

"What right do you have to ask us for help!"

Bronya rushed to stop her: "Seele... Please calm down. Let's just forget it."

Although Bronya also hates Thea because of all her actions. Kiana, who is her sister, is another matter.

As a teammate, Bronya still has an obligation to save Kiana from danger.

She hated Thea, not Kiana.

Besides that...

"We really have no other choice but to comply with her wishes. This is the only way out that we can do." Bronya sighed helplessly.

In the end, choose or not choose, the answer is still the same. Under the crisis of life and death, they had no other choice.

Can they refuse?

Yes, but the consequence is unknown.

Damn, why does it feel like being controlled?

"Joachim! is she gone, or is she just deaf!?" Veliona is angry because she continues to be ignored.

"[She's been gone a while ago. Looks like she's really busy.]"

"Arghh!!! Come and go as you want, do you think we are easy to take advantage of by you!"

"Seele... Calm down..."



Bronya looked aside quickly.

For some reason, every time this 'Seele' gets angry, Bronya feels like running away somewhere else.

Is this called don't argue with an angry woman?

Bronya felt depressed.

"Never mind! So what's your decision, whether to go to that place or not?"

"Hm, we have to go there."

Agree to check what kind of opportunities Thea has given them. The two of them returned to a familiar place, and saw a surprising scene there.

The Abyss Flower that fell from the sky was firmly embedded in the ground, and around it were shadowy figures flickering like ghosts.

Felt this place familiar, and remembered that this was the location of the previous valkyrie camp. Bronya, who saw the transparent faces of the figures, was immediately shocked.

"This... Aren't they all valkyries who died because of Mr. Welt's attack?"

Joachim confirmed: "[Yes, this is the soul of the valkyrie he killed, there is no mistaking it.]"

"[It seems that the rule in this bubble world that no one can enter or leave also has an effect on these souls.]"

"[I can feel that the Abyss Flower stuck in their midst continues to flow energy to maintain their existence. But that energy will soon run out.]"

Bronya was confused: "So, what does Thea want to do to help us? Want to make the ghosts help us attack Mr. Welt?"

Joachim disagreed: "[According to what I know, the Abyss Flower has another name, namely the Key of Creation. A weapon that comes from a previous era, and was made using the core of the Herrscher of Dead.]"

"[This Key of Creation does not come from the bubble world, but seems to come from the real world. Its power is many times greater than the Key of Creation that is still in the ruins of the tower of Babylon now.]"

"[The ability of the Key of Creation itself apart from being able to heal a person's body, it has the ability of destruction, and also recreation, just like its name.]"

"[Maybe Thea wants you to use this divine key to save the lives of all of them, and form a new body. If that is the case, with the reinforcements of the senior valkyries, the victory of the two of you in killing Welt will increase greatly.]"

Understand what Joachim means. Bronya walked slowly towards the Abyss Flower, and she stretched out her hand.

Holding the handle of the Abyss Flower tightly, Bronya suddenly felt a surge of honkai energy rush into her hand, and she immediately released it in a rush!


Bronya held her right hand in pain.

"This weapon is too dangerous... Bronya can't touch it."

After she saw that Kiana and Seele could hold this Divine Key casually, Bronya thought that she could hold this weapon too.

But, her hand was slightly paralyzed at the moment, proving that this weapon was very dangerous.

Divine key.

It is indeed a weapon that cannot be wielded by just anyone.

"[I forgot to tell you that this weapon can usually only be used by S-rank valkyries who have very high honkai energy resistance. Anyone who holds it carelessly will slowly be eroded by the honkai energy.]"

".... You are late."

Bronya could only whimper sadly.

Seeing that her right palm also had purple honkai lines, it felt a little numb. Bronya clenched her fists, and she suddenly remembered something.

"Kiana is understandable because she comes from the Kaslana family. But what about Seele, why can she touch and use this weapon?"

"[About that...]"

Having doubts, and being equally confused. Bronya looked to the side, and she saw that Veliona was currently walking slowly around the figure of the dead valkyrie's soul.

She stretched out her hand, but it directly penetrated the transparent body of the valkyrie's soul.

Veliona looked pensive.

"{Kiana... Siegfried... Please hold on...}"

"{It's a shame... My concert will be cancelled... Again....}"

"{Dying like}"

"{I don't... want... to....}"



Can hear the whispering voices of the valkyrie souls, just like hearing the sound of a broken cassette tape. Veliona was silent for a moment, before she took a deep breath.

"Get out of the way."

Throwing Bronya away, and standing in front of the Abyss flower with a silent look. Veliona gritted her teeth for a moment, and after that she also stretched out her arm.

When the Abyss Flower ability was activated, her stigma resonated with this divine key, and Veliona immediately knelt on the ground.

"Hngh.... Really very greedy..."

Her honkai energy was draining very quickly, and this made her head very dizzy.

Just like a dry well that is forced to dig deeper to find a spring.

It's painful, and also very annoying.

Veliona panted exhaustedly.

The sweat that fell from her temples became more and more abundant.

"You... You shouldn't have come out..."

"(No, Seele has to come out.)"

Kneeling in front of Veliona at this time, was the figure of Seele who had almost the same form as the souls around her. Her body became completely transparent.

Has the same kneeling position as Veliona, with one hand holding the handle of the Abyss Flower. Seele, who ventured out of the stigmata room, smiled weakly.

"(My other self, Seele is very grateful for protecting Seele all this time. But this time, Seele will not hide anymore.)"

"(Let Seele help you.)"

Veliona smiled tiredly: "You... Can you help me... A crybaby like you? Hehehe..."

Even though Veliona mocked her, Seele didn't budge in the slightest.

She closed her eyes deeply, and she could feel the connection between the two of them as host and stigma.

Trying to control the power of stigma, and failing over and over again. Seele, who was sweating, still kept trying.

"Give up... you are too early... to use this power."

"(No... Seele won't give up here...)"

"Tch, you're really stubborn... It's just a waste of energy..."

Could feel Seele's grip getting tighter, and saw her biting her lower lip anxiously. Veliona, who wanted to persuade Seele to surrender for the second time, suddenly stopped.

"(Seele... Will not give up...)"

Seele's shoulders shook lightly.

"(You and big sister Bronya, always fought for me. Seele couldn't do anything, and Seele could only hide.)"

"(That's why... That's why...)"

Seele lowered her head, and her body trembled, dropping a few drops of crystal water from her chin.

"(Seele, won't run anymore!)"

Raised her head which was filled with tears, and looked at Veliona earnestly. Veliona, who could see the strong determination in Seele's eyes, smiled helplessly.

"Put away your crying face, you look so ugly."

Veliona sighed.

"You really are very stubborn. Alright, try to remember this energy flow carefully…"

Whispering softly, like a older sister teaching her younger sibling. Even though Veliona felt very tired, she felt at this moment that the fatigue and pain all over her body could be ignored for the time being.

She didn't even realize that she was currently smiling gently.

An expression, which she would never admit to having made even if she died.

"Yes, like that..."

"(Seele can feel it!)"

Tried to use the power of stigma, and finally succeeded. When Seele injected the energy she controlled into the Abyss Flower, the divine key weapon immediately emitted a very bright light covering the surrounding area.

Just like the meaning of the Key of Creation.

Life always coexists with death.

Black and white are not opposites, while life and death, are two streams of the same river.

When the two of them work together...

A power that transcends death, will be born.