Chapter 166: "Where does this Kaslana technique come from?"

The battlefield always has a rapid reversal of direction.

When you have the upper hand, maybe in the next second you will fall down.

At least that's what Welt is currently experiencing.

Who could explain to him why dead people could come back to life?


This is unreasonable!

"Mama, it's me! Are you all okay!?"

"Yes, we are all fine Kiana. All the valkyries have now evacuated, and I together with Theresa will help you fight Herrscher before the honkai fusion bomb arrives."

"We still have 30 minutes left before the bomb arrives. So Kiana, let's fight together!"

Kiana's eyes lit up.

Fight together with mama? I've never done that!

That sounds really good!

"Just leave it to me!"

Nodded her head vigorously, and felt the heavy rock holding her heart slowly lifted. Kiana wiped away the remaining tears at the corners of her eyes, and she clenched her fists excitedly.

Everything turned out fine.

I'm grateful...

"[Kiana, are you happy?]"

"Yeah, I'm so happy! I feel like my power has increased by hundreds of times!"

"[.... Really?]"

"Yes, I'm very serious!"

Because her worst speculation that everyone was dead, never happened. Kiana became relaxed, and she could now unleash her full strength without any further hesitation.

Confirmed Kiana's mood, and could feel that Kiana was not lying to her. Thea sighed lightly.

This also made her happy.

However, it seems that the light of Herrscher's core in the Key of Radiance is also starting to slowly dim. Thea was very happy to see her enemy become so depressed.

Welt: "...."

Standing in the sky alone, and using Herrscher's power to make light refract. Welt could see the valkyrie convoy team moving slowly away from the land of Siberia.

Why did the valkyrie he killed come back to life?

Do they now intend to revenge back?


"It's so hard to believe..." Welt said while fixing his glasses.

He really didn't understand why they all came back to life. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.

His heart, which was originally empty because he had achieved revenge, began to fill again with anger that grew stronger.

His eyes became blurry, either because he was happy because he had a purpose in life again, or angry because he saw his enemies still hovering in front of him like annoying flies.


It does not problem.

"If you all revive, then I will kill you again and again!"

"No matter what kind of price mush I pay, I will make sure that you all can't come back alive!"


Radiating extreme fury, and even making the two herrscher cores within his body shine with dazzling light. Welt Yang's figure created particle cannons one after another, merging into the star cluster.

The mecha on land also started to go crazy. The essence of their program changed drastically, from initially fighting using bare hands and weapons, to mass suicide explosions.

In the blink of an eye, All the valkyries suddenly entered the danger zone.

"Elysion Pedion!"

Theresa used her Judas powers once again, and after gritting her teeth with difficulty, she suddenly fell limply to the ground.

The Anti-Entropy Mecha who intends to rush invaded them, instantly fell one after another, forming a death zone for mechanical life.

"Hey wake up, get back to work quickly!"

"I... can't take... anymore...."

Theresa raised her head in extreme fatigue, and she suddenly lost consciousness in the blink of an eye.

Veliona was confused: "Huh, is there something wrong with this thing? Why doesn't this short girl wake up immediately?"

Seeing Veliona who kept poking Theresa's body using Abyss Flower, created an image like a naughty child poking a dead fish. Cecilia shook her head, and she let out a helpless sigh.

"Seele, although the Abyss Flower has healing abilities, this ability is not that perfect. Physical strength may be restored, but mental fatigue can only recover slowly."

Rubbed Veliona's hair, and ignored the intimidating look she gave her. Cecilia, who had her own Abyss Flower, began to pay attention to Welt's figure in the sky.

Currently, Welt Yang is still collecting honkai energy for his particle cannon. Converts Imaginary energy to honkai energy, and after that supplies Ion energy to the weapon.

During this charging time, it was the perfect time for them to attack him.

They don't have much time.


The white-haired figure jumped up and down on the ruins nimbly, and when she landed, she didn't hesitate to bury her face into Cecilia's plump chest.

Cecilia was surprised: "Kiana, why are you suddenly hugging me?"

Kiana laughed silly: "Hehehe... I just miss you, mama~"

"Gosh...~ why are you so spoiled~"

Cecilia also smiled helplessly.

Stroking Kiana's messy white hair for a while, and parted reluctantly. This time, both of their eyes immediately became serious.

"Mama, let's do it!"

"Yeah, this is our only chance. Mama will clear the way for you."

Knowing that the moment of life and death is very close. Cecilia and Kiana, start getting ready.

Cecilia slashed her arm, and let her holy blood be swallowed by the greedy Abyss Flower.

With the addition of Thea's secret cooperation, gave Schariac's modified stigmata to her body. Even though Cecilia's face had now become extremely pale, it would not be life-threatening.

"I am the black and the white, before the beginning and after the end."

"I am the black that devours everything. I am the white that gave birth to everything."

"Before the birth of the world, I existed after the annihilation."

"Black Abyss White Flower, Holy Lance - Banish Bloom!"

Creating a black lance, filled with a violent aura above her head. Cecilia gritted her teeth tightly, and she immediately threw it towards Welt Yang without any hesitation!

Kiana, who had been waiting all along, immediately ran following the trail of the lance at full speed!

Letting Thea help her create a plate of space in the air for her to step on. Kiana soars into the sky like flying!

Although she has no wings, and mechanical motor. Kiana will prove to everyone that a true warrior doesn't need a mount at all!

Never underestimate Miss Ben!

This Miss Ben is not jealous!


Filled with extreme anger, and could feel an extremely terrifying threat coming towards him. Welt controlled all his cannons to aim at Kiana, and he shot her!

Even though this particle cannon is not fully charged, it is enough to kill an ant like you!

"(Don't worry Kiana. Bronya will protect you.)"


Using the black lance created by Cecilia as the tip of the arrow. The particle attack and the black lance collided with each other, and the black lance, like darkness swallowing light, instantly split the beam attack into two halves!

Kiana, who was following it from behind, was immediately protected by Project Bunny who suddenly appeared!

"(Bronya really can't make any contribution to a war of this level. So, Bronya will borrow you project bunny for a moment. Return it later intact.)"

"Thank you Bronya! You are truly a reliable teammate!"

Bronya's tone became a little arrogant: "(Hum, you must win, Kiana.)"

"I understand!"


Using the terrifying neutralizing power of the black Abyss lance to open a path. When the lance disappeared because it ran out of energy, Kiana was already tens of meters away from Welt Yang.

Spinning several times in the air, the large sword that Kiana was holding, began to be enveloped in extremely hot red flames!

Welt Yang shouted angrily!

"You want to kill me!? Then come and try!"

"I will make you understand what Herrscher's true strength is!"

Forcing to excessively extract the honkai energy from the core of the herrscher of Void. Welt Yang whose entire body was covered in honkai lines, like a monster, immediately charged up quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the particle cannon which was originally empty, was instantly filled to capacity!


Welt shouted furiously!

"[Don't be afraid, he has reached his limit.]"

It was as if Thea had predicted this. Welt's body suddenly cracked like glass, and he was immediately shocked.


"Take this, Kaslana's special move, PURGATORY!!!"

Burning the Key of Radiance in her hand to an extremely high temperature. Kiana swung her sword with full power, and the entire sky suddenly turned blood red!

The sky is on fire!