Chapter 170: "Rekindled"

When the gamma cannon starts charging, and fires it. A light distortion appeared, and made the dark sky suddenly turn extremely bright.

Welt doesn't care much about his energy consumption at the moment. However, with a dense concentration of honkai energy, and a supply of Imaginary energy from his Herrscher of Void core, Welt, who always lacked blue blood, was finally able to unleash all his abilities to his heart's content.


All objects that blocked this beam of destruction melted under the pressure of very high temperatures, and even made the cliff where Kiana was located melt like a melting iceberg.

"[Start scanning, searching for remaining traces of life…]"

Let the internal system analyze. Welt pulled back the Canon on his shoulder, and he laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

What kind of feeling would make Welt's hateful heart feel happy?

Of course revenge!

This time, everything was very satisfying!

"[Discovered three human life forms around the western area. Marked on map...]"

"{Oh, they've been found? Well, let's deal with them all at once.}"

Grasping his giant katana sword, and walked to the nearest valkyrie's position. Underneath the remains of the building, Welt, who scanned once again, was finally able to see the person who had taunted him earlier.

Cecilia, Theresa, and Veliona.

They were all blown away by the wind resulting from the blast wave, and were stranded hundreds of meters from their original position. Now, under excruciating pain, they all opened their eyes in confusion.

"{Haha, who's laughing now?}"

"{I've killed one of your friends! Don't worry, you'll all be together quickly!}"

"{I won't let anyone escape! Clean this Siberia land with filthy blood all of you!}"

Hearing Welt's incoherent babbling, Veliona spat out the dust that had entered her mouth: "You crazy..."

"Hngh... Kiana..." Cecilia tried to stand up, but her weak body made her fall once again.


Theresa, who had not said anything, could only place the Oath of Judah in front of Cecilia, hoping that the person she wanted to protect was safe.

Ignoring the helpless gazes of weaklings. Welt raised his Katana blade high like a butcher, and he immediately slashed downwards with all his might!

He will finish all of this in one go, and for all eternity!

"[Warning, extreme temperatures are approaching from the east and will reach this place within 2 seconds. It is recommended to avoid.]"


When Welt felt confused by this sudden warning. A giant curtain of fire fell from the sky, covering him fiercely, and Welt immediately rushed into the sky to get away from this fierce fire.

But, because he had been stunned before, his two legs which were still covered in bright red flames immediately melted, and Welt immediately repaired his damaged limbs very easily.

He looked at the ground beneath his feet in confusion.

"Mama are you okay? You're not hurt, right?"

"Kiana... Is that you?"

Standing under the back of the fire curtain, it was as if she was the one controlling this fierce fire. At a glance, Cecilia could barely recognize her daughter when she used her Herrscher form.

The temperament of the two of them after changing different hairstyles is too far apart.

Compared to Kiana who had silly eyes like Husky, this one Kiana was like a snow wolf leading an army past the cold of the night.

Summarized briefly, Kiana, who is wearing her white knight Herrscher battlesuit, looks very dashing and cool!

"Mama, let me heal you. This time just leave everything to me, I won't lose!"

"I will protect you all!"

Uses the power of her stigmata to heal everyone's wounds. Kiana stepped out of the curtain of fire, and she raised her head to look at Welt Yang who had currently just landed.


Welt shouted very loudly. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now.

"{How could you possibly be a Herrscher! Why did it give you such power like that! WHY!?!!}"

Trying to contact the god connected to his herrscher core. Welt, who keeps trying, finds that the connection he thought was always there, has disappeared.

There's nothing there.

In this empty space, there was only him alone.

The god he thought would support him, was now completely gone from the throne it sat on.

Welt opened his eyes wide.

"{How could it be...}"

Feeling like been betrayed and taken advantage of. Welt clenched his fists tightly, and his electronic voice became increasingly hoarse.

"{Why... I feel like the whole world wants to fight me.}"

"{Why do you always get what you want, but I don't...}"

"{This world, is too unfair.}"

If Welt was still human, Kiana might now be able to see Welt crying.

It's a pity, this Mecha that has a closed capacitor can't even release a drop of internal fluid.

He did not mourn his god's betrayal. The thing that hurt him the most was losing people who thought the same as him.

It's like finding a comrade in arms on a new continent, but then realizing that the clown who continues to fight alone is himself.

It feels like...

"{I feel like wanna crazy...}"

Having mixed feelings, such as anger, unwillingness, helplessness, and also very deep hatred. Welt raised his sword high, gathering all the negative emotions he had into the sword.

The katana sword immediately turned pitch black, just like Welt's heart at this moment.

"{You said that you would protect everyone... Then, perish along with them all!}"

Both Kiana and Welt activated Global Time Fracture at the same time, and their figures immediately crossed each other in the air in the next second.

The high temperature gamma heat resulting from neutron explosions, and the high temperature resulting from molecular friction, met each other, and the space around them was slightly distorted due to the power of their Herrscher of Void mixture!

The two of them used all their power without hesitation!

Because this place also has a very high density of Honkai, every attack they cast is like a forbidden spell!

Anyone who approaches will definitely be instantly crushed!




Exchanged several dozens of sword slashes, and lost to Kiana's more experienced fighting style. Welt, who was caught off guard, didn't realize that Kiana was now hanging on his right arm!

Using AI computing power that has turned into his brain. Welt dodged Kiana's beheading slash, and he immediately let go of his right hand without hesitation!

Let it explode to increase the time. The two cannons on both shoulders moved again, and Welt aimed at Kiana with his red eyes!

After all, he is a scientist.

Scientists also have their own fighting styles!


Using all the energy in his body, and activating the cannon mounted on his shoulder. Kiana, who felt the crisis, did not show the slightest excessive expression.

She not fear.

Just like her predecessors.

For those who are stared at by the god of death, Kaslana's descendants will never show fear!

Kiana activates her Herrscher and Stigmata powers to the maximum!

"To the fire of dawn that opens a new era."

"The darkest night fails to dim the spirit of your most indomitable."

"My esteemed ancestors, please lend me all your strength!"

Unsheathed her sword, and was enveloped in scorching flames. Kiana made the same fighting stance as Siegfried, and she felt that her father was currently helping her.

At that time, she still didn't understand why her father made such a sacrifice so bravely.

For his pride as a father?

Or self-esteem?

No, that doesn't need to be said at all.

For someone who walked the same path, Kiana finally understood what her father had been wanting to say to her.

Now, she was doing the same thing.

"I will protect everyone I care about!"

"Zeroth power, The Blade Supreme, REKINDLED!"


Slashed with all her strength, and let the torch of hope in her hand burn the dark sky. When her attack hit gamma blast, the sky around them turned pure white.

The light penetrated the sky, instantly dispelling the dark clouds that enveloped everyone's hearts.

This light, swallowed everything.