Chapter 180: "Kid, which sect do you come from?"

Actually, in the past few days, a lot of things have happened.

After returning to Schicksal, Thea discovered quite interesting news.

Bronya, who initially wanted to return to being a student at St. Freya was suddenly almost kidnapped by Anti-Entropy, and this made the stressed Theresa even more stressed. Her face was completely pitch black.

Asking for an explanation, Tesla said that Welt Yang had willingly handed over the power of the Herrscher of Reason to Bronya, and he intended to make Bronya his successor.

Kidnapping her and taking her home to Anti-Entropy is normal, right?

After all they couldn't lose their three-dimensional printing machine again.

Hearing this, of course Thea felt happy. Making Bronya Welt Yang's successor was also included in her plans.

There are several reasons why Thea wants Bronya to be Welt Yang's successor. Most importantly, Bronya is a village villager who has just entered the city.

The power of the Herrscher of Reason itself is closely related to the knowledge base that its users have. In the early stages of her abilities, at least before awakening, the Herrscher of Reason's powers still had to follow certain logical laws that existed in the real world.

With the help of Tesla and Einstein, two genius scientists, at least Thea hopes that Bronya will be able to fill her knowledge base as quickly as possible.

Don't let her take Wendy's position as the weakest Herrscher.

That would tarnish Welt's good name.

Apart from that, there is also Kiana's problem.

Thea had previously performed surgery to remove the Herrscher core in Kiana's body. But the strange thing was, she couldn't touch it.

Through the scanning, the Herrscher core was still present in Kiana's body at that moment. But, after carrying out the surgical operation, nothing unusual was found inside.

Physically, the herrscher core in Kiana's body has disappeared.

Due to this odd situation, Thea could only sneer at Will of Honkai's cunning actions, and she immediately assimilated the Herrscher of Flamescion stigmata in Kiana's body to prevent accidents.

Her stigmata on Kiana's body will function as the strictest warning seal. If the Will of Honkai acts up again, Thea will immediately rush to fight it without the slightest hesitation.

For another matter regarding the Herrscher of Void core which was still in Kiana's body at that time, Thea decided to keep it in her own treasury.

However, with the stigma power she possessed, and the physical strength of ICHOR mode, the thirst for insufficient power could be completely eliminated.

Herrscher core are now only valuable as research material.

The main focus now is how to defeat Honkai.

The Will of Honkai had already moved, and it would be rude if she didn't reply back.

"It seems Saintess Thea has a lot on her mind. Is there anything I can help you with?" Li Sushang asked curiously

Thea, realizing that she had been in a daze, shook her head weakly: "No, it's okay. I was just spacing out a little. Sorry for disturbing you."

Li Sushang shrugged her shoulders: "Even though I made a promise with the raksha, ​​it was you who saved my life. So if you need help, please just tell me! The debt of saving a life is as heavy as a bodhi leaf, I will do my best to return the favor!"

Thea smiled: "Then if I really need your help then I will call you. Please don't hang up handphone when that day comes~"

Li Sushang paid her respects: "Of course I will not abandon the promise I once made. By the way... What is a handphone?"

.... Thea was silent.

As expected by someone who has been asleep for almost 500 years.

She is completely out of date.


Walked out of the sanatorium, and decided to take a walk to get some fresh air. Thea, who had healed Li Sushang, was currently exploring every area to broaden her knowledge.

Without realizing it, they had approached the airport area.

Transport ships passed over their heads lifting heavy cargoes, robots and valkyries also worked together to complete their respective tasks.

For Thea, this scene was normal in Schicksal. But for Li Sushang who had been asleep for a long time, all of this was truly very new and amazing to her.

"How is it possible for a large lump of iron to fly in the sky? Are people nowadays able to implement qi in their technology?"

"What big monster is that? Titan? How much do they eat every day... Eh? Eat oil!?"

"Wait, this is the flying island? We are in the legendary fairy land!? I want to ask for immortality!"

"Eh? The world of technology?"

"I... I might be stupid..."

Thea: "Prffff~"

Seeing Li Sushang's reaction, which at first was full of curiosity like a child, but after that she gradually began to doubt her own existence. Thea admitted that she currently really feels entertained.

"You're not stupid, this is just a gap in time. Over the past 500 years, many things have changed. Even the land of Shenzhou that you know is not exactly the same as it used to be."

"You can adapt to this era slowly. Take your time, and enjoy your new life."

"Oh, by the way, would you like a guide? At least this will let you integrate into the modern world more quickly."

Li Sushang paid her respects once again: "Thank you, Saintess Thea! I owe you one more favor!"

Thea waved her hand: "Don't think too much about it. By the way, why do you call me Saintess? I've never said that before."

Li Sushang scratched her cheek awkwardly: "All the valkyries we met called you that. So I followed suit. Am I wrong?"

Thea wasn't happy: "It's just a title. Since we're friends, you can call me by my name. I'm quite a friendly person."



Continuing the journey, and discussing many different things. Due to the gap in eras and differences in perspective, the conversation between the two of them became very interesting.

From Li Sushang's mouth, Thea learned a lot about the interesting customs and mythical stories surrounding Shenzhou. As for Li Sushang herself, she also gained some insights.

At least the current her wouldn't consider the Mecha Titan a tamed monster anymore.

This is progress.

"Saintess Thea, good morning!"

"Morning too, Cheng Lixue. You seem very energetic today. It's rare to see you here, do you need anything?"

Cheng Lixue scratched her cheek embarrassedly: "Ah, about that, sorry for disturbing you. My master wants to talk to you for a moment."

Shifted her body to the side, and showed a woman standing behind her. Fu Hua nodded her head, and she went forward.

Fu Hua paid her respects to Thea.

"Nice to meet you Saintess Thea. I've heard that you want to talk to me, coincidentally, I'm the same."

No need for lengthy pleasantries. Fu Hua, who was a straight girl, went straight to the point.

"Please stop using the Fenghuang Down feather for personal use. This feather should not be used like that."

Thea raised her eyebrows in interest: "Oh, like you noticed."

Fu Hua nodded her head: "Yes, I have been monitoring you all this time. You have crossed the line, so please return the feather to me."

The conversation between the two of them might be confusing for Li Sushang and Cheng Lixue who didn't know where it started. But for Thea and Fu Hua, it seemed too obvious.

As the true owner of the Fenghuang Down feather, although Fu Hua had forgotten many memories about herself, some lingering things such as responsibility never disappeared.

Thea has been using the Fenghuang Down feather to brainwash several councilors who hold important positions in Schicksal.

This also cannot be avoided. After they really confirmed that Otto had really disappeared, and this was not a trap he set. Seeing Schicksal's supreme authority fall into Thea's hands, the Foxes hiding in the hole began to show their fangs.

If you commit small corruption, Thea can ignore it for a while. But when they started showing their fangs to her, Thea wouldn't stay silent anymore.

Do you think a 13 year old girl is easy to provoke?

I will make you regret being a fat rat!

So in the end, because she didn't want a long internal conflict, and also didn't want to rule Schicksal with the same aura of terror as Otto. Thea was forced to use Fenghuang Down feathers.

As long as everyone was brainwashed by her, and loyal to her, then all those noisy disputes would immediately disappear.

Negative impact?

Schicksal is just a tool for her. Even if the floating island falls, Thea will not feel the slightest loss.

Thea tilted her head in interest.

"What if I don't agree?"

Fu Hua fixed her glasses: "Then I apologize for my impoliteness. I will snatch them back from your hands."

Seeing Fu Hua intend to fight against her. Thea, who currently knew that Fu Hua was still injured, and could not show her true potential, could only helplessly shake her head.

"Li Sushang, it's time for you to return the favor."

Li Sushang, who had been watching the show, was suddenly shocked: "So fast!?! You mean now?!"

Thea nodded: "Yes, it's time for you to keep your promise. Please defeat that girl for me, and our debt will be paid off."

"Ohh... Understand."


Walk step by step towards the two of them. Li Sushang, who felt that Fu Hua's face was very familiar, had seen it before, could only scratch her cheek in confusion.

She exhaled to throw away all useless thoughts, and after that, she swung her sword.

No matter who she was, even if she was an Immortal Celestial, no one could stop her from returning the favor!

She opened her eyes again with determination, as sharp as the sword in her hand.

"I, Li Sushang from Wanderers House, let's fight!"

Fu Hua: "...."